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please help my computer is stack and doesn't go on to xp boot

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by zinectics, Dec 27, 2008.

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  1. zinectics

    zinectics Well-Known Member

    i had used my computer last night and as far as i can remember there had been NO abnormalities that happened last night in fact i had shut down it the specifically normal way...

    here is the problem

    when i woke up in the morning i instantly open my pc [going to play ff9 ^^,]
    then the normal boot screen appeared


    this is an example of how my pc boot... it's not mine its just similar
    then there is still a picture after that, somehow like

    the next boot picture is a description of the specs of the pc

    then after that is this xp boot


    now the problem is after this picture


    the picture with the description of the specs of the pc [THIS IS WHERE I AM STACK]
    normally it should go on to xp boot

    but this morning it doesnt't go on to the picture of xp boot


    please help me please... i don't know what to do  ???


    my friend said to me that i should push F2 or F11

    but my problem is that my keyboard is in usb port, and when my pc is booting there is no light on the num lock light. that is why i can't push F2 or F11. also the keyboard will only have it's light when the screen is already on the welcome screen of xp.
  2. calmcc

    calmcc Guest


    You might want to start your computer in safe mode first; do you have another keyboard that doesn't use the USB port (ie requires use of a dongle or plugs into the round keyboard port)? If so, use that instead of your normal keyboard, then power up. If your computer is a laptop & you use the usb keyboard because of ease of use, unplug it and use the laptop keyboard (should work).

    As everything is loading up, keep pressing f8 under you are presented with a few boot options. You want safe mode with minimal drivers. Now, the next part is v. important. Did you update anything last night on your computer (ie did you download automatic updates for the OS, try installing new software, etc)? Unless you can remember anything particularly special & can revert it, I would just bite the bullet and shift everything temporarily to another computer, then format the drive & load it all your stuff back on. Yep, it's a pain, but 9 times out of 10 it's faster than manually troubleshooting the problem and looking through endless forums. I've done the latter *too* many times to count, on countless systems.

    One thing I'd like to mention, though (as it's fresh in my mind, now). I'm not sure about PSX emulators, but back in the day I loved playing "Romance of The Three Kingdoms IV - Wall of Fire" on my ZSNES emulator. I used to use the fast forward function like crazy. Thing is, I'm pretty sure that by fast forwarding, then reverting back to save states (you know, the old cheat shuffle...), I think I screwed by HDD royally, or at least the reading heads for the platter(s). It died pretty quickly & I had to buy another HDD for my computer. If you're using the fast forward function a lot when playing your PSX games...might want to lay off a little. Just my personal opinion, take it with a grain of salt. I say this because there could be a slight chance of hardware failure, but I wouldn't know...

    Hope that helped somewhat.
  3. zinectics

    zinectics Well-Known Member

    i had updated my drivers last week

    like the sound driver update and video vga driver update

    as using psx umulator fast forwarding... im not using forwarding since i didn't know to do the fast forwarding

    now your advice on using the dongle or plugs into the round keyboard port

    can't be done, because my round ports are broken or not functioning anymore. that is why my keyboard and my mouse is usb ports..


    what do you think i should do calmcc

    btw thanks for the advices ^^, it really helps me a lot when someone responses on my technical problem ^^, thank you

    i use an old pc

    motherboard: asrock ata 133 K7VM3
    cpu: amd athlon 1500+
    memory: 192 mb
    video card: none
    sound card: none [i think so] [but i have a vinyl deck - will that accoutn as a sound card]
    os: windows xp sp2
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Can you post a picture of what the screen says when it just sits there? You say it doesn't start the Windows XP Loading screen.

    Also, check to make sure you don't have a floppy disk in your floppy drive, just incase :)
  5. calmcc

    calmcc Guest


    Gah, no keyboard ports, eh? That makes going into DOS a bit difficult...only other suggestion I could recommend (off the top of my head) is that you boot with the XP CD in the drive. If your BIOS is set to boot CDs before your HDDs, then you should be able to use the recovery tools within the CD. If it's not set to load CDs before booting from the HDD, you could possibly reset the BIOS to its default settings by shorting the jumper on the board (you know, the 10-15 second swap of the small plastic jumper from pins 0-1 to 1-2 (assuming you have three pins there; like 0-1-2 with a jumper covering 2 of them). That *might* reset your BIOS settings to make CDs load up by default, but it's something I *really* wouldn't recommend unless you were completely desperate. No lasting damage would occur (probably...), but you don't short the jumpers every day, you know.

    The keyboard thing is a bit of a problem, though; you really need functioning ports in case these kinds of things happen & you need to troubleshoot; I'm not sure how far any solution given will take you if you have to navigate the screens before the bootstrapping of your OS.

    I've had similar problems (ie not being able to boot up suddenly, which nothing overly strange happening prior), but I don't have the knowledge to suggest anything further. Might want to try looking through Google or msdn (Microsoft Developer's Network) and see if they have anything that could help you there. And if you were to eventually fix this, I would seriously suggest a backup of your stuff & a nice ol' format.

    I tried my best :) Hope I helped somewhat.
  6. vhiznu

    vhiznu Well-Known Member

    thats mean you are stalled on your bios screen right?
    did it detect your hardisk (primary ide) or not?
    if not...your hardisk (as your primary boot drive) is unreadable!
    yes..try go into your bios setup...and manually scan the hardisk...or just default it!
    the hardisk is detected...but still like that?
    then the problem is with your window startup or boot system i think....here some way:

    1st open and clean your cpu hardware...make sure the vga card is plugged correctly or some dirt is blocking your mainboard electricity...

    2nd boot the windows from cd..or repair it!or just reformat your windows!

    3rd the easiest way....just take it to the nearest technician.... ;D

    hope it'll help
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    The num lock light does not come on until the POST is complete. The keyboard should still be functional. This sounds to me like either a bad CMOS setup (maybe the CMOS battery died) or a failed primary hard disk.

    Can't be done on modern computers, autodetection is the only supported method.

    EDIT: I need a picture of the POST (=detecting hard disks) screen. You've posted part of it, I need the full screen. Also describe to me the noises it makes (are the beeps long/short, how many are there?)
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Oh so this was the other thread loony & anand were talking about.

    My bad, sorry & me posting here isn't helping either.
  9. DarkxRain

    DarkxRain Member

    This problem occured for me and resulted in the blue screen of death due to petes plugin 2.9
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    An ePSXe plugin cannot stop the machine booting...
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