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Please help me find a NES game!

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by cosmonate, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. cosmonate

    cosmonate New Member

    Hello everyone!

    I will try and describe the nintendo game I've played long ago.
    Note: I remember that the cartridge I purchased contained three games. One of them was called Disneyland II. That is the game I am looking for. But to tell you the truth, I think that is not the game's true name. It could be anything :'(

    You play as a blue kid (or guy, whatever) wearing a helmet and he shoots balls at enemies. When he kicks them he makes a somersault backwards (like Guile from Street Fighter). When he is at full power, he shoots two footballs towards the enemies. If they hit him, he shoots only one ball. If they hit him again I think he turns purple and shoots two balls again, only this time they are smaller (like tennis balls). And if he is hit again, he shoots one small ball. After that every other hit means death.

    I remember that when the game starts, there are people sitting in a cinema and watch a little girl with a bird flying above her that enters in some kind of theme park (maybe that is why the game was called Disneyland II). Suddenly someone grabs the girl and from the cinema seats the blue boy jumps inside the movie to save her.
    There are many neat stages and all are inside that theme park.
    The bird that was with the girl now sometimes helps you through the stages.

    I am sorry for the long post, but I tried to explain the game more detailed and from all I can remember. Thanks guys and keep it up. Romulation rules!
  2. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    post your question here:
    better chance you can get helped
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This is not a reccomendation, this is just a case of "I forgot the name, but I know the game".

    3 games in one...I think only nintendo made these sorts of games back then-so it's not a multi pack...

    I might give it a search, but I might give wrong results since this is not one of the big classic games I know.
  4. cosmonate

    cosmonate New Member

    Thank you for the recommendation lugia543, I will post my requests there.
    And thank you Hypnos for trying to find the game or at least its title. I appreciate it!