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Please help in Maplestory

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by monokuro boo, Apr 4, 2008.

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  1. monokuro boo

    monokuro boo Member

    Does anyone here play Maplestory on Bera because I really need somebody to help me. If you do and have NX, could you please gift me a White Chapel Wedding Coupon as I am really desperate to get married. It might be a tad expensive at 20,000 NX, but I will really appreaciate it and will recompense you with mesos and an invitation to the wedding.

    Please let me know if you can help. :DD

    P.S. I am really desperate to be married. This isn't a ploy to get NX to buy stuff, I only need exactly 20,000 NX to get married.
    So please, please, if you can help me please do.
  2. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I play Maple, on Scania, but I quit a while back, and I hop on Once in a while, but I can't afford NX, I'm a Minor first of all, and secondly, I'm in the Philippines, so no NX for me
  3. monokuro boo

    monokuro boo Member

    Aww thanks anyway for replying. Please anybody else who can help?? ???
  4. megaknight

    megaknight Member

    i would help but im in scania and i all the stores around me has no more nx. always sold out. maybe when they have instock and im felling generious ill help :D
  5. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Mmhmm. Marriage on a children's video game. Meeesoooos. Wasting real money to get married in a video game which everyone is guaranteed to leave in less than a year. That's why I hacked script kiddied my way up the levels. There are these two kids in my Saturday class who are in 7th grade and still talk about MapleStory all the time. It's annoying, really. [/offtopic]
  6. monokuro boo

    monokuro boo Member

    hehehehehe *cough cough*

    I'm in 8th grade. ;)
  7. swuba

    swuba New Member

    played it for 3 years, but quitted it(was playing eu version) because i couldn't level anymore and it got boring(was lv 93 though) then i quitted with my 2,5k nx cash still on there, well, but why putting this on romulation, its a computer game...
  8. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Don't revive threads that haven't been posted in for two years. Especially when you have nothing to add to the discussion.

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