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Please Answer D:

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by polipolipluff, May 18, 2012.

  1. polipolipluff

    polipolipluff Member

    Well first of all i do not have 1 single rom or iso and i live in the USA. So here is my story. I got a new psp and wanted it modded so the shop guy had is buisness partner mod it for me. Then the guy says he can put games on it for me for $3 each game. Now i dont know much about roms but i do know selling them is illegal, i havnt told him yet that i dont plan to buy anything from him. Now here the thing, when he saw my memory card he told me "it wont work" so he took it with him to go reformat it or something, so i will be seeing him again to get my memory card back (he never said a price on it so if he doesnt give it back for free im going to tell him this is stealing"

    When i tell him i dont want to buy anything or have anything to do with roms i dont want him being butthurt about it and telling lies to authorities like "this guy has roms" now the point to this thread. In that instance, what exactly would happen? If he told police something like that, what action would be taken?
  2. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Why mod it at all? You can play pirated games on a completely un-modded PSP. And now you say you don't want to "have anything to do with roms"? I don't really understand what you questrion is. Are you asking if you could get arrested if he tell the police you have roms? I doubt he would be contacting the authorities about anything like this, seeeing as he's offering to sell roms.
  3. polipolipluff

    polipolipluff Member

    Yes the gist of it is, whats would happen if the guy claims i have roms to the police. Since its hypothetical, then just assume he does.
  4. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    I honestly don't know, sorry. But I'm pretty sure it's highly unlikely he will say anything. Does he seem like the kind of guy to get pissed off easily? If so, why did you have anything to do with him at all? To be honest, he should know you don't need to mod it to play the games, so it seems like he's just trying to rip you off.
  5. polipolipluff

    polipolipluff Member

    He modded it for free, he does it for people so that he can make them pay to upload games to it which id never allow someone to do.
  6. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Well, if you never said you'd buy roms from him, he's got nothing to be upset about.
  7. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Huh? this guy mods all sorts of people's psp's and you're afraid hes gonna rat you out because you refuse to buy roms from him? Do you understand how counterproductive that is to what hes trying to do??

    Say he doesnt report you and later on down the road your internet takes a huge shit and you really want some games so you go to him and hand over 3 bucks. That is called a long term investment and its something he is most likely willing to take part of. If you never show up to buy games from him? Who gives a shit hes probably got 10 people a day coming in for their $3 fix.

    You have nothing at all to worry about, the fucking guy is selling people other companies property at such an insane mark down price, he would go to prison for years. You shouldnt be worried about shit, he should be.
  8. polipolipluff

    polipolipluff Member

    I understand all of this guys, but really in the hypothetical sense that he does, what is to happen? Would police even care to investigate without some sort of proof of roms?
  9. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    No, they wouldnt give a shit, you dont have roms, you have a modded handheld device. They arent going to enter your house because some dick head said you have roms.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    unlikely, but consider this: illegal possession of roms is a civil offence (i.e you can be fined). Selling roms is a criminal offence (can involve jail). he has more to lose than you.
  11. polipolipluff

    polipolipluff Member

    I never have but if a computer had roms but then you deleted them, could you still get in trouble if they searched?
  12. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Why in hell's name would they go that far?
  13. polipolipluff

    polipolipluff Member

  14. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    So yes, polipolipluff, you could get in trouble. Hypothetically speaking. But I really doubt they'd be willing to go that far.

    Plus if you're really afraid (what on earth are you terrified of anyway?) you could completely wipe your hard drive.
  15. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    hypothetically speaking he could also decide to shoot you instead of going to the police, being a tough as shit gangster that seems more likely to be honest.
  16. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    Just say you use it for home brews! i mean really, problem solved

    '' the guy says he can put games on it for me for $3 each game.''

    He wont go to the police! lol, dont even worry
  17. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    :) This is such a funny question.

    If he did go to the police, he really has no proof you have ROMs or ISOs.
    I have more than 1000 ISOs and ROMs and have had no trouble.

    People have modded my PS3 and Xbox and I haven't bought ROMs off them (and yes, they have offered them to me)
    So in theory, do not by the ISOs off him.

    He can go to the police, but he has no proof.
    You, however, could go to the police because he is selling pirated games.
  18. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Hi I buy games and what is this?
  19. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Have no idea.
  20. Niflheim

    Niflheim Horrible evil rat

    Stop being a faget, he's doing you something for free(?) and even if he isn't, he'll probably charge you next to nothing for it.
    Sure, if you don't want to buy roms from him then don't, he won't do shit, but there's no need to act like a snot-nosed brat when somebody's doing you a favour.