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Playing romulation games on original PSOne

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by flower1123, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. flower1123

    flower1123 Member

    I REALLY need help about this. I got PS-One and it is chipped (modchip).
    I got Crash TeamRacing from romulation and I burned the .bin file with MagicISO.
    And what do I get? Nothing-just ps1 logo and nothing else. :'(
    Any help is welcome! Just tell me did anyone got it working on original ps one and how to solve this problem.
    Thanks in advance. :)
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Im not realy sure, But i heard that burning at a lower speed is sometimes best like X4 speed
  3. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    burn at 1-4x, burn on good writable media (taito yuden, TDK, Verbatim, and memorex if you're low on dough), check your chip's compatibility, check for AP.

    Try all of those and tell me what happens.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    use imgburn, not magiciso.
  5. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    yes, also this.

    Here is a link to save time:

  6. Mumphadumf

    Mumphadumf Active Member

    are you using a cd-r?
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Small recap:

    1. Make sure you burn between 1x and 4x to make sure the burn is good.
    2. Use imgburn to burn the game.
    3. Do NOT use CD-RW's, only CD-R's. Rewritable discs don't burn and play games correctly.
    4. Use quality discs. Verbatim is recommended (from everything I've read to date), but Memorex should work fine most of the time.

    Take all of those steps, and as long as your PS1 is chipped correctly, you should have little to no issues. Every once in awhile, you will get a bad burn, so don't worry too much if a game doesn't work perfectly the first time.
  8. flower1123

    flower1123 Member

    Sorry for slow response, ill try burning at lower speed.
    P.S. Can I use alcohol 120%
    Post Merge: [time]1282906344[/time]
    1. I am using CD-R.
    2. Why not MagicIso?
    3. I am using Verbatim.
    4. What is AP?
    5. Alcohol 120% has an PS option when burning, should I turn it on?
  9. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    You probably could use Alcohol but

    1. Good.
    2.They're both free, right? Why do you care?
    3.VERY good.
    4. A select few games (notably Spyro 3) and some ps1 modchips have AP, or Anti-Piracy, preventing burned/copied games from playing correctly. If your chip has AP, well, there's not much you can do about it except replace it. If your chip came from an IRL store it's probably a region-only modchip. If you bought it from a chip store online, that shouldn't be a problem.

    Now, if the GAME has AP, such as spyro 3, you need to find a cracked version, of which only google is required (or maybe a search of a gaming forum like this one.)
    5. IMGburn doesn't even NEED that option, it's completely free, whaddya have against it? :p All you need to do in IMG is open the ps1 game, select 4x or 8x speed and BURN it. I suggest you turn off "verify" when burning because PS1 images seem to have a LOT of purposeful errors.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    magiciso is a poor burning program, its designed for one thing and one thing only: its own propietory file format (.uif)
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I don't think any games for psx have AP , thats more of a DS thing and most moden games now have it
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Spyro 3 and a few others do.
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Chears Loonylion, That is somethink i nerther knew XD!
  14. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Well, crap. Where there is modchips, there is AP. Heck, when there was NO modchips, there was AP! Even freaking EARTHBOUND had AP. Damn good AP too:

  15. flower1123

    flower1123 Member

    I chipped it in one game shop.
    I asked them for help and when I get the response, I will see what do I get.
    personuser said: some ps1 modchips have AP, or Anti-Piracy, preventing burned/copied games from playing correctly.
    well, that's stupid and I never heard that modchips for playing pirate games have AP. xD
  16. flower1123

    flower1123 Member

    Well, i got the response-and it looks like you NEED to use imgburn.
    I will try with all of your reccomendations applied.
    Thanks for taking some time to help me. :)
  17. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    It is pretty damn illegal to sell copy-happy modchips in real stores, so what some makers did is this; The ps1 sends three pieces of data when starting up; The bios (1st) region (2nd) and piracy check (3rd) Store-bought anti-piracy modchips only bypass the first two pieces of data (bios, which passes anyway, and region) but not the third (piracy check). Because of this, games of all regions will play, but only factory-pressed originals. This keeps the stores and their keepers from getting their butts sued off by sony.

    Now, on the other hand, the PS2, for example, seems to only send two bytes of data; BIOS (which always passes) and Region/AP. Therefore some mods for THAT like swap magic can be legally sold in stores because the company can say it's only meant to bypass region checks and use for copying isn't their responsibility.
  18. manaseater

    manaseater Well-Known Member

    try reburning. took me 6 or 7 burns to get dbz final bout to run, and when i scratched it during a swap, it was burn time again.
  19. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I just wanted to add that Final Fantasy IX, had an anti-cheat device protection built into its programming. When you use something like a Gameshark cheat device to get infinite/Max HP & MP, the game "detects" the cheat & it lowers your stats, unless you input another code that disrupts said cheat detection.
  20. flower1123

    flower1123 Member

    I burned the game with imgburn and... WHAT THE F***?!
    I asked the store about AP in their modchips and they say they have no idea.
    I burned at 16x
    I will ask 'em for help, if they can't help, i will look here, if no help here then... I will start to scream. just kidding xD
    Anyways, thanks for help but if this thing has AP then it's game over for me.