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Playing Legit GBA on DS Lite, or GBA Roms on PSP?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Akalakawak, Sep 24, 2011.


Should I play Golden Sun: The Lost Age on PSP? or with my Legit copy on DS lite?

  1. Play it on PSP! Its got a BIGGER SCREEN!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Play it on PSP, I did and had no big issues.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Play it on DS lite! Its got MUCH better battery life!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Play it like it was made to be played, on a Game Boy Advance SP

    0 vote(s)
  1. Akalakawak

    Akalakawak Well-Known Member

    My question is this:

    I just finished playing Golden Sun on PSP with the UO gPSP Kia v3.4 Test 3 Build 92 emulator. (making it the 2nd GBA game i've finished on gPSP)
    And except for it freezing on 4 - 5 Djinn, (and having to go to VBA for a bypass) and the music being off during some battles, it ran flawlessly.

    Now I want to play Golden Sun: TSL and I have the Legit Cartidge. (got it from a friend which made me want to play Golden Sun)
    Should I play it with my DS lite? (or maybe GBA SP)
    I would also be able to play it on my Game Boy Player with my Gamecube.

    Or should play it on gPSP and risk it freezing half way through the game?
    At which point I would be forced to play it on the Computer? (I LOATH playing Roms on the computer with the Keyboard!)

    Has anyone played it all the way through on PSP? if so, did you have problems? like what?
    Let me know what your opinion is on this, but at least VOTE!!!

    The more people vote the better this poll will be!

    Thanks Y'all! :)

    P.S. Results for the 1st and 2nd options will be combined for a total of votes for PSP.
    Post Merge: [time]1316826533[/time]
    Thanks for your one vote so far but I decided to play it on GBA, I just transfered my data and tried it on PSP and the sound quality was CRAP! it was glitchy, slow and had some pops here and there. so I'll go with my legit copy.

    Thanks for all your votes! :p