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Playing GBA games on PC ???

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by JButter, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. JButter

    JButter Well-Known Member


    I heard you can play GBA and GBC games on youre pc, if that's true can someone explain what i need and if i need to buy anything.

    Help would be great.
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Nothing to buy.
    Just follow this guide - http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=6326.0

    And you can get VBA (GB/GBC/GBA emulator for PC) here - http://emulator-zone.com/doc.php/gba/vboyadvance.html

    Download the 1.8.0 Beta 3 file.
  3. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Download emulator
    I believe that is the right address.

    Download that (it is somewhere beneath the Donate button).
    Then download your GBA games, run the program, and you are ready to go.

    EDIT: Aw, ace was faster.
  4. JButter

    JButter Well-Known Member

    Wooow that was like, really fast XD

    But one small question though, can i also play game boy colour games on pc.

    Thank you so much for youre help!
  5. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Download that.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Yes. If you use that tutorial and VBA you can play Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advance. ;D

    But why use 2 programs, when VBA does all of them?
  7. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Or you can use VBA. (Visual Boy Advance). Can play GB/GBC/GBA games all in one.
    Post Merge: [time]1279650984[/time]
    Heh, didn't think of VBA as soon as I replied :p
  8. JButter

    JButter Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much, that was really helpfull (Tried it at 2 other forums and they all laughed at my dumbness XD)
  9. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Not here man. ;D

    This place is noob friendly unless you spam the shit out of the forum, which you haven't, so you're cool for now. :)
  10. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Heh, it is not that dumb if you are new to emulation ;)

    I also was once...I asked if there were any R4i GBA emulators, but the question was already answered tons of times...
  11. JButter

    JButter Well-Known Member

    Yeaay it works :D

    But do you maybe know some good sites where i can getgba and gbc games ?

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  12. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Here xD

  13. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I actually have a torrent to almost ALL of the GBA games ever made. It's just missing 10 of them. :D

    And I have another torrent for almost all of the GBC games ever made.
  14. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    If you're using No$Gba, then download the newest version (2.6a) from here:


    YoshiFlip's version was the free version.
  15. Aldar

    Aldar Well-Known Member

    Hey Ace1o1!
    Been awhile since we chattered.
    Anyway can you give me a list of what GBA/GBC games you need? I Might have them, my collection is pretty vast. (and if i don't it would be good to know what to look for)
  16. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Hiya Lega!
    How are ya?
    Actually. I only need 10. I'm not sure and it'll be a pain to search for the few that I don't have. ;D

    I have around 800MBs of GBC games. That's nearly all of them as well.
  17. Aldar

    Aldar Well-Known Member

    I Have 576 GBC roms on my PC, which i believe it supposed to be all of the (U) releases. Might have the whole collection backed up on a DVD though. (or most of it)
    And i have ~12.4gb of GBA roms. 2808 total i believe it was.
  18. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I have 577 GBC roms. That's probably the same ones that you have.
    And I do have 2808 roms as well. ;)
    I downloaded them all in a 3 part torrent.
  19. Aldar

    Aldar Well-Known Member

    lol Same here.
    Are you a member of a site that... say has a little green mascot? :)
  20. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Demonoid? Why yes I am! ;D