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pkmn platinum: WHAT THE BLOODY CRAP?! MY SAV!!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by KentaZX, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. KentaZX

    KentaZX Guest

    okay when i just turn on my AK2i, and turned on my pkmn platinum game to pass an item to a friend of mine, my save fille was APPARENTLY ERASED?!

    how can that happen??!? i mean i NEVER deleted the sav file cuz its STILL there! and it never asked me to create a new sav file either!


    ...okay,,, im calm now..

    can someone help me with this problem, this may sound mission impossible but theres gotta BE SOME way to fix this!
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I know that there was a save problem with one of the version of AKAIO or it was the loaders, not sure.

    But I think 1.6RC2 fixes those problems.

    Go to your save file and see if it says .SAV.
    If it does try changing it to .sav...its weird I know, but it may work. :p
  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Or just go into system settings and change the option to load .nds.sav files and see if it loads it
  4. KentaZX

    KentaZX Guest

    DAMN THIS FFING MOUSE!!! it deleted both of my sav files!!

    however i have a .bak file which im sure its a backup file... is there a way to change the bak into a sav?! or just rename that.

    and no 1.6RC2 did not fix that problem for me for i am having that problem now.
    Post Merge: [time]1270953821[/time]
    tried that. didnt worked.

    EDIT: scratch that, my sav is still there.
    Post Merge: [time]1270954161[/time]
    omg... it did worked O_O.

    thanks for the help! :D ........... *still surprised something that simple worked but it doesnt make sense to him)