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Pirates don't stand a chance with the 3DS!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by buchichu, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    ...because they wear an eye patch and thus have no depth perception. 8)

  2. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    lol, i thought this was going to be something about 3DS not going to be able to be hacked, having huge security and all that :p
  3. DeMatador

    DeMatador Active Member

    I'm... pretty sure that was the point. And I gotta admit, it got me too. Well done, buchichu.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It's not exactly true though, people with only one eye can still perceive depth. I know because one of the people who helps me apply for jobs is blind in one eye, so I have to make sure to stay on her right hand side. I explicitly asked her if she could perceive depths when I found out, and she said she can.
  5. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I'm actually legally blind in one eye (as some of you may know after all the bitching I've done about how I might not get to enjoy the 3DS) and, although I can perceive depth, I have never been able to see 3-D until recently. For some reason whatever the new technology is with the new glasses (as opposed to those old, blue and red ones) I can sort of see it, but previously, no 3-D for me and also...I've never been able to see those "magic eye" pictures.

    weep for me :(
  6. Tehcactus

    Tehcactus Well-Known Member

    I want a 3DS. :c

    If I got one, I hope Acekard magically releases a patch to work with 3DS. :3
  7. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member


  8. mrlemmons1

    mrlemmons1 Well-Known Member

    have any of you seen that Mega64 video "timbo?"
    this fat dude named rocco gets punched in the eye and is all like
    "now all them 3D movies is gonna be 1D!"

    this is what it reminds me of.
  9. TheFreakinDuck

    TheFreakinDuck Well-Known Member

    Get off the stage :p Lol
    I know someone who says "nothing is unhackable" and Nintendo is lying to look good. But he IS a little pompous so I'm kind of hoping it IS hackable in case I want to back up my games with ROM copies, but I'm also hoping it's unhackable so he can finally eat his medicine.
  10. xicyacex

    xicyacex Well-Known Member

    You do know you can turn off the 3D right? :p
  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Good luck with that one. They probably have done tons of security updates...but then again, the Wii's security isn't that great. :p
  12. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Pirate Ninjas do.
  13. Rat.2

    Rat.2 Well-Known Member

    very good joke
    i was wondering if anyone knows the official release date of the 3DS in Australia
    i went to eb games yesterday and asked if i could preorder they told me to come back in 2 weeks
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You can turn off the 3-D effect if that helps...

    XD, eb games here sucks dude, my advice is to wait it out...I hope they do what they did with the dsi and release it before the US.

    Im sick of waiting.
  15. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    yes, I do...but I'd feel pretty ripped off spending $250 on a handheld that's entire point is a novelty I can't even take advantage of
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I can't take advantage of it either. Both my eyes work fine but according to doctors my vision is not normal stereoscopic vision, I see in 3d and can perceive depth but its not achieved the same way is it is in most humans. Thus, I can do magic eye pictures but no 3d technology I've ever tried has worked.
  17. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    what are magic eye picture? is that the random dot that people claim to contain picture or two similar picture where you look close enough to get a 3d view?
  18. Awec

    Awec Active Member

    Actually it's impossible to perceive depth with only one eye because the effect is created by the simultaneous images of both eyes. I think she either lied or believed she could (and belief can often to blind *sorry* us to what is real and what is not).
    It is a physical impossibility to perceive any kind of depth with only one eye receiving images.
  19. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    its not really impossible. try walking with one eye blocked, most likely you'll do fine with occasionally bump into stuff when you started. with one eye you can still tell how far certain things between you and it, its just not as effective.
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    she's allowed to drive, she wouldn't be with zero depth perception. I very much doubt that its impossible to perceive depth with only one eye. Maybe it is not possible in the way that fully sighted people do it, but there will be other means.