Not sure if this is where this goes, but yeah; Just effed up my Acekard and accidentally wiped all of my games. Oops. So what games should I put on there now? THe games I used to enjoy were things like Dragblade, Starfy, GTA; Chinatown Wars, and Scribblenauts. Now, nobody stab me, but I wasn't too happy with Kingdom Hearts 368-2 days, Phantasy Star Zero, or The World Ends With You. WEWY was okaaayyy, but for somereason the battle system didn't catch my attention, it was nothing but a jumbled, confused, mess. KH368-2 was...a bit, monotonous for me. Phantasy Star 0 was pretty good, but the gameplay really didn't have that much in it; just walking through maps trying to find the right path. So, yeah. Based on all that, any good suggestions for me? Please don't suggest any of the games under the "I had them and I liked 'em." Thanks XD And, o-hey-thar, it's my first post here. o_o
having a blast with this