how can i merge two different colours?? and is the burn effect also is used as a tool to make shadows?
What do you mean by merging colors? Are you hoping for an in between color? If so, then use the eyedrop tool. Either manually click it out of the toolbox, or alt while you're using the brush. For a quick way to get an in between color, just eyedrop both colors, set it to 50% opacity up on the bar above, and smear both colors on a fresh botch until you get the shade you want. Burn effect, yes. It darkens an area. Makeshift shadows.
oh okay thanks. it is the first time i get to actually colour images on photoshop! Post Merge: [time]1289657721[/time] how can i correct the imbalance of the burn effects?
what? no! if your going to use the burn tool while your courser is on the canvass right click and select a soft brush after that set your flow and transparency to like 20% you get the best results that way, oh and also on highlight option, the default is shadow