I know the Japanese version is working, however with the last couple of English games that were released, it seems there have been many issues in regards to actually getting them to work. Hopefully we don't have too many problems with Phantasy Star Zero...I'm super excited for this title because I used to play PSO Blue Burst and it really is a unique RPG :] Does anyone think we might have a major issue with it?
We don't know if it'll have piracy protection. I think it's with the Nintendo titles there's piracy protection (Mario and Luigi, Pokemon), Kingdom Hearts didn't use as heavily piracy protection as both and was simpler to fix. Also, I don't know why people post here instead of the Game board. It's not that hard to distinct the two.
Yes, Nintendo does seem to be the one with the most privacy protection. The Japanese version of PS0 though needed an action replay good to work if I remember correctly? If it is as easy as that, it shouldn't be too big of a deal I suppose. Though, Kingdom Hearts, I've still not fixed the issue with my ROM...awaiting help from that thread still. The method posted there for Acekard2i (latest firmware and clean ROM) has failed for me, and same with pre patch...which got me wondering about other titles coming out, hence why I posted this XD
Most likely it will have some problems at first, but its nothing that won't get worked though in time.
PS0 isn't really like blue burst, it's more like PSO, or at least that's what most people say, I still believe PSO to be a better game. If you like blue burst I recommend getting a PSP and PS Portable, as it's more like that.
Angelius, I believe you have Blue Burst confused with Phantasy Star Universe, because PSO and PSO BB are the same thing except PSO BB is the PC expansion with a new episode and some other extras. I did not like PSU at all :/ I am so excited for this game though! I hope you all share my excitement ^_^
I can't wait for any new PSO - I've been addicted since the original on the Dreamcast. But since I now live in the sticks with no highspeed... kinda bummed out. ;_;
Damn dude, well I feel you on the addiction of the original PSO :] Honestly, if they release a similar system with a modern touch (NOT PHANTASY STAR UNIVERSE, EW!) they would have an amazing game..PSO is still played today even though it's as simple as a 1 2 3 combo..rare hunting is just so fun.
The only thing I wish they'd change in PSO... hacking. If SEGA could keep a PSO game hacker & duper free, it'd be perfect. <3
Wonder if someone will make a Friend Code thread on RomU? For us to play with each other,trade stuff,you know.
That's a good suggestion ggrroohh. Maybe you should ask? :] Does anyone know anything about the rare hunting/trading systematics or anything of the sort?
Latest AKAIO firmware and clean rom works, if you're using Acekard 2i and a DSi. As for PS0, only time will tell, regardless of the piracy protection, someone will find a way to fix it.
Only problem is time zone difference and limited friend code space... Diffrent names from RomU might also complicate matters...
@ groh This is true, though I thought it was still a good idea :] @ deank27 Actually I've had the clean ROM the whole time but I managed to figure out what was wrong and I've been playing it :] I was just digging up some info on PS0 and I'm even more excited now >_<