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phantasy star zero impossible boss!

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by someasome, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. someasome

    someasome Active Member

    iam lvl 29 and i stuck on an big black virus boss that i have to fight right after i kill an big woman statue
    i got 358 hp and he got attack that almost kill me and leaves me with like 40 hp left
    i tried to beat him like 5 times but everytime my team dead on the beggining of the battle and cant revive them back (in this boss just cant..) and i lose when i out of heal poitons after long long battle
    thats so freaking hard any ideas?
    for now i think ill just lvl up a while its not like i got other thing to do..
  2. Bjornjet

    Bjornjet Active Member

    Ye I'm stuck here too, I always break the 3 statue thingies but the freaking smash attack always 1 hits me <_<
    I have a newman character with 300hp
  3. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    The "Giant Statue" is Mother Trinity and the "Big Black Virus Boss" would be Dark Falz.

    I would recommend learning their attack patterns rather than just slashing away with a sword or shooting with a gun, or even casting away with techniques. Good use of the Evasion Roll will help you a great deal in this battle.

    If you're afraid of your team mates dieing, set their Tactics to "Safety First!" by clicking the Tactics button on the touch screen. This will cause them to focus more on their remaining HP, but will be just as idiotic. Leveling up will also help you.
  4. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    im stuck at the boss of the game at lvl 96 (ROBOTS RULE)
  5. fortess

    fortess Member

    the black thing is quite easy after u learn its attack pattern, he will use a laser that can reduce your hp to 1 but it can be evaded because before he use the skill he need to cast , when he keep rushing just keep rolling until it stop a while to cast , if i get a little damage i just use heal technique so i dont use too many pots, dont care about your teammates just focus and yourself cause the teammates useless and keep dying @_@ , BTW im humar with 300 hp at lvl 25
  6. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Just use your team mates as decoys and make sure to Feed the mag and buy scape dolls as well as learn the pattern of attacks that mother and fallz unleash and one more thing Custimize your pallete and make sure to Pause as hell as fast and use up monomates monofluids ect and try using a armor with lots of def evasion as well with lots of slots to add more stats to yourself
  7. someasome

    someasome Active Member

    i lvled a little now iam 33 and my mag 100
    lvl 100 of mag is the maximum lvl? because it looks like he dont level up anymore i feed him a lot and hes stat meters just stuck at the end almost full
    and ill try what you guys said thanks
  8. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Level 100 is the maximum for mags
  9. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    Best strategy is to just use range and dodge a lot. Dark Falz is a real wimp. :/ I can solo him without the cpu players. HUcast FTW
  10. krusnix

    krusnix New Member

    when fighting the 3 stone focus on one then when mother trinity attacks stay at her side and keep hitting her when shes about to bash her head and body move out of the when and when shes down keep hitting her again , then when fighting the dark falz stay at the back and keep hitting it with fast attack.. upgrade your weapons and armor for better damage on the enemy and less health loss