Nickname: Tasleus! Friend Code: 0302 9887 3566 Post Merge: [time]1258060023[/time] *sigh* waiting for people to join. =]
nick ***Tobi* 0388 8893 7742 add me please! Post Merge: [time]1258092858[/time] Hold on new nickname Aios! with ex marx
Hey MangaRx your friend codes wrong. (Just thought you should know) (Oh and sorry for getting off topic)
Nickname: M3_Rush FC: 2665 2204 0240 I play anytime just pm me or something if u want to play. PS. please pm me when u add me so i don't keep those people who didn't add me.
2020 9754 0814 Nickname: Shaun Add meeeee. And PM me when you do so I dont add inactive FC's, please. :/
I have a friend code for ths game: Rose - 4512 0597 0074 Pm me if you added me so I know and add you back. Even pm me when you see me online and want to play. Edit: Changed Friend code.
I'm still weak! but i want to experience wifi in this game! Add me KOTOMARU-3781 9172 7865 i'll add all of you guys so please accept it