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Phantasy Star 0 glitch?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by vesparider01, Jan 17, 2009.

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  1. vesparider01

    vesparider01 Member

    A lot of people have been complaining about not being able to get past the character creation screen. This has been fixed. However, I can't even get to the title page. After the loading bar disappears, the screen just turns white and stays that way, even with the anti-freezing cheat turned on. Has anyone had this problem? Can they help me fix it please?
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Have you tried backing up and formatting your MicroSD? Have you also updated your firmware?
  3. vesparider01

    vesparider01 Member

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by firmware, but I'm running R4 ver. III

    And no, I have not tried formatting my SD, because all my other games work just fine. It's only Phantasy Star that's acting up.
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The firmware is the OS or system files that you installed when you first got your flashcart (all those other files on your MicroSD).
  5. vesparider01

    vesparider01 Member

    Oh. I haven't changed those since around July last year. Have there been updates since then?
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Hm, that's when the last official update came (I think). Check on your R4 menu, it should state the firmware version you are running :)
  7. vesparider01

    vesparider01 Member

    ver. III. But I found out why it wasn't working. It's because for some reason my cheat settings aren't saving properly. When I select the cheats I want and press save and exit, the bar window pops up for a brief second before going back to the game menu (it doesn't actually show the bar progressing), and when I go back to the cheats menu, I find out that the cheat settings are reset back to nothing.

    How do I fix it so the cheats save properly?
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    No your firmware version. It's a specific number, ver III is the type of R4 clone you have, not the firmware. Try reinstalling the cheat database from cheats.gbatemp.net. Should work :)
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