hey i downloaded this nds game from another website but when i try to play it all i get is a blank screen. any ideas?
1) C'mon dont bump topics right now; E3's going on D= 2) What flashcart are you using? 3) What's the game name? It could have AntiPiracy
Well.. what's the firmware for AceKard 2i you're using right now? AceKard usually bypasses all anti-piracy >_> Have you taken out the cart and putting it back in? Or maybe there's problems with the SD card?
i think im using ak2_421_20091217_ release. if that means anything to you ha....reckon it could have something to do with the actual nds file itself?
ta! Post Merge: [time]1276642513[/time] ok i changed my system to akaio v 1.7 and the games working now