A little personality test,link thanks to H' ;D http://www.personaldna.com/ Post your result here too! ;D This is mine http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=BdEvAAEDtDDBiJf-DE-CCDBB-ed16
Here's mine http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=pbltyxJkFVlIDZR-GP-CDCCE-4297&u=517f606b227d Unique test.
Mine was pretty accurate, way off in some ways, though http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=qOPyqBbtuaBFgQd-EG-AEDAC-9ae8&u=e54975d4efed
Do you guys remember this? It determines your personality using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Give it a try.
http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=nVRsooDrQahEgOh-HG-CDCAD-4850&u=7ae91c4a915f Wow...scary accurate!
WOW! That was pretty accurate Here's mine: http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=hioyIpZYLyTCxOy-HM-ADCED-649c&u=12fe71647703 I'm a creator
I have done it: http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=BLBorNAHHIJCBVR-AG-BACCA-0480&u=ab904bf2a6f3 must read the results, i dont read it when i have done something like that...
I really don't have confidence in some things... And some words are too hard to understand, even when i translated them in dutch!
http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=IhOxJCNsRoHHqSe-DE-ADADC-ac2a&u=91042035557f " You are a Generous Artist. " And my MBTI type is INFP : )
http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=uZwtQDglrlIORaa-GM-ADDAC-2766&u=9d441f094c5e an advocating inventor really accurate.. except for the trust bit
Takes a long time. Mehhhh, here it is http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=XopxyPTQftPXCVW-OO-AAADA-4b8c&u=14763179c2b3 You are a Leader Only in games mate, Only in games.