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Personal Rules and moral standards when it comes to roms?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DriftNinja, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. DriftNinja

    DriftNinja Member

    So yea, personally i have moral standards when it comes to downloading roms. Little rules i follow, so i know I'm not going crazy with it.

    I'm sure that I'm not the only one here who has personal standards such as this...

    what are yours?

    Mine are:
    1. Only Download the rom if its for a system you can't buy games for reasonably anymore. (like, PSX games for example have stopped selling in most major stores, so i download those.). However, i often try to find the vintage game on Ebay if its one i really like.

    2. Never download roms for current systems, your asking for trouble. I don't even download roms for PS2 games to be honest, its still to new and games are still somewhat easy to come by for it.

    I buy my music, but usually its directly from the artist, rather then from a place like iTunes or mp3 outlets..
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i have no rules i think microsft should be raped for creating vista :D making an inferior product and charging to go on live that is why i flashed my 360 and have done for other people.

    when i used to download ps2 games it was only cause i didn't have the money too

    and with my ds i wasn't bothered as i only baught the thing cause i could get roms so if i couldn't download roms they would not of had my money in the first place.

    as with music i don't buy any music there is no point i listen to so much new stuff all the time but if its good i go to their gig and buy a t-shirt and if they are a new band i will buy a cd album/EP to support them but thats at the gig when they get all the money.

    and thats the case actually, pop bands my have started loosing money due to downloading but bands that gig and tour find that the more people that pirate there songs have more people at their gigs and a larger fan base which is why alot of new bands let you download for free like off mypace as they know more people will here it and go to a gig.
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    well said equitypetey.

    One of the reasons why I don't have a 360 is the charging to go on live part.
  4. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    For some reason I only keep games in my DS for no more than 30 days. Thats probably because I get board with the game or that Ive beaten it but still I like to think of it as a 30 day trail thing.
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I only got DS ROMs to try them out. Personally, the emulation stage isn't that perfect yet so no need to start hording games.

    I prefer mostly the older stuff, like the NES & SNES Titles are those are technically dead systems by now
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    My moral rule: Download the game to test, if it's good then buy it; if not then be happy you saved money.
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    If that were put in my situation, I'd only have a handful of games.
    Some games are good, but just not good enough to want to buy.

    Also, another reason why I like having roms and stuff is because I can fit multiple games onto one medium, instead of carrying around 5 PSP UMDs, 10 DS cartridges and 2 PSX discs. (if it were possible to insert a PSX disc into a PSP)
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    No rules for me, I do whatever I want, I'm the NDS man. Oh, Renji, that rule about keeping ROMs for 30 days, unless you have the real cartridge, is bullshit, they're just trying to make it seem legal. Oh Cahos doesn't have a flashcart does he?
  9. monter

    monter Guest

    It's very hard to find PSX games on ebay and plus its not really worth it seeing as the only person profiting from it is the seller. I like to support game developers I see that I cant afford to buy a DS so I download them. I am planning on buying a psp and buy all the psp games I want and can afford. I may download demos !
  10. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    No rules for downloading, i.e. I download whatever I feel like. Call me a pirate :p . I DO buy video games that I really like, such as Final Fantasy A2, Phoenix Wright.
  11. This :D
  12. Jinnai

    Jinnai New Member

    I download stuff I don't really intend to buy, or stuff I want to easily be able to hack or backup save data.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I don't have a DS period :(

    As I said, I can't play on a tiny screen for so long as it causes severe strain on my eyes. So I'm left depending on emulation, for now that is.
  14. ultra

    ultra Guest

    only originals and no hacks. must be english and either the version or rather the improved version. of course having the best version becomes in conflict with older game roms like the 16bit and 8bit games.

    marvel trading card game [i believe it's this game]
    there was a glitch on the first version so the best version would be the second since it has no glitch.
  15. CJneeds6characters

    CJneeds6characters Well-Known Member

    No rules, I only download games I know I'll probaly play, like pokemon, fire emblem/ rondo of swords, and if theres nothing good I might play a game I;ve heard is good.

    I usually won't buy something if it's good. I might if It's a new release and a really great game, or if you get something like say for a pokemon game theres a special edition that you get a pokemon without going to an event..... but otherwise no.
  16. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    Like a few others here: NO RULES! :p But if I find a game really, really good, I buy it to support the people who made it.

    I'm the most anti-piracy about movies and always buy the DVDs. It's just nice to have the real thing with a case, special features etc., rather than an AVI off the net.
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I find it funny that you mention that. My DVD download just finished.
  18. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    only for out of production sytems except DS, movies and pc, to raise quality of life. need some outlet to escape from stress. music is all stuff i've owned. and i stay mostly to un encrypted pc to avoid online cd key checking and such. always watch out for online updates.
  19. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Online updates are the worst.
    I've learned my lesson in never updating anything, computers, PSP, PS3, iPods, etc.
    I only update if it is necessary, not because it wants me to.
  20. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    best thing is to find updates, i've yet to find a "killing" update, only the autoupdate that links to company websites the link up usually runs a check and kills the game/program sometimes permanantly unlesss you format the hdd or maybe cut out all the hidden files for the application. selling stuff is bad, unless maybe you make backups and sell your originals. but giving away isnt as bad and at this point in the USA even working a full time job people in lower/middle classes are struggling to pay bills, expect a lot more piracy and sale of said goods. because you got to do something... people need food and a roof, as i keep saying to everyone. if i gross $10/hr "gross is before taxes and min wage is $7, most jobs start and pay $8 if you only have basic education" if i gross $10 it will pay my rent, thats all. electric/gas is 150+ a month food is 400-500 a month, gas is $30 a tank. at 24mpg and only important transportation, phone is $90 a month for family cell 2-phones as replacement instead of home phone "why home phone if you can just use cell and bring with?"

    anyway, get the idea, i digress but it is really relevant, piracy will be doubling as economy gets worse. at $10 a movie bootleg and people simply not affording even applications they need, say something like a training program to help with schooling... yeah.