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Pcsx2 Versus Pcsx2 Etreme Edition ( frame rate is everything )

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saberwolf357, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. saberwolf357

    saberwolf357 Member

    I moved this thread from the official Pcsx2 forum to here being it was closed by the MOD team over there.
    Just would like to get you guys input on this?


    -----------Original Topic----------------

    I would like to make this thread an keep it as clean as possible.

    I am creating this thread in light of what I have experienced by testing different variations of pcsx2 softwarez and by no means want no one to side with my choices.

    The choice is yours.

    This is by no means a disrespect to the MOD or development team here.


    That being said let me get started.

    I am a bit of a Newb when it comes to these ROM emulation softwarez, I have decided to try out this pcsx2 software being my brother had used it an he has reported success with it.

    He gave me a couple of PS2 ROMS that he created an his PS2 bios folder, now being he is no longer around with helping me on the setup an the initiation of this pcsx2 software, so I am on my own with it now.

    Anyway, after a little research an testing I found myself struggling with this software frames per second issues.

    Did not know why being I have fairly decent P.C. specs:


    Windows Xp 64
    two Ati 9800 cards in crossfire
    8GB of DDR2 memory
    Quad Core processor @ 2.50 GHz


    But still I would struggle to try to keep my fps rates above 50 or 60 while playing certain games that have a lot of fast paced fighting scenes & action sequences?

    I have read a few topics here, an from what I have read they basically canceled my P.C. out because of my SPECS because I am Ati gfx card user, I was on the verge of giving up playing PS2 games on my system until I came across a different variation of the Pcsx2 software.

    I think it is more of less a Japanese version the software "Pcsx2 Extreme" the only part of this Japanese version I don't like the configurations an the product is in another language, which I don't even think is Japanese, or rather it's partially read in Japanese an some other code language.

    It did not work right at first as far as the graphics were concerned and it was a pain to configure being I could not understand the language.

    But I did notice that the fps fates were through the roof, I was easily clocking 60 too 100 fps , so I had to try to find a way to force this software to work.

    Which I did, now I am running fast paced games with no problems.

    Why is the pcsx2 emulator edition offered here not as good as the Japanese extreme edition?

    I would hope in the future that the pcsx2 edition offered here inherits the Japanese versions playability.

    I have played other emulators on my system before, for instance the Game Cube Wii emulator which ran smoothly with a high fps rate, running both Game Cube & Wii games, don't know why this pcsx2 software issued here struggles so hard to play games.

    But I still support it : )



    jesalvein WROTE: read the forum rules, please.

    and speaking about unofficial builds is just not allowed here either read the forum rules, please.


    Bositman WROTE: It's not just an unofficial build, it's an ILLEGAL HACK of PCSX2. If you want to use that crap, be my guest but you won't mention,distribute or talk about it here.
    This PCSX2 'extreme' edition IS PCSX2, just hacked to death to get a couple more FPS. If you really want to see which is 'best' maybe check out the compatibility this hack has compared to the official PCSX2. You missed that while drooling over the awesomez FPS the hacks give you.

    [size=14pt]Topic Closed


    I did not seem to get my questions answered, if the developers adopted the same playing engine as the Pcsx2 extreme version maybe people would not have to search for hacked out version of their software?

    An the MOD replies by saying: ----------quote---------
    --------end quote---------

    Now let me start by saying, this was not just a couple more Frames per second I achieved with this Pcsx2 extreme edition, I achieved like 30 to 40 frames, that's amazing compared to their official Pcsx2 software.

    Don't know why their product is so far behind an always stuck in a beta stage?

    Plus I don't get their whole noble attitude surrounding their software?

    I mean, I am pretty sure that 80% of the users of their software are piracy users, it's no big secret.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Sounds almost like the no$gba 2.7 build.

    That was reported faster..but gave out personal information.

    From what they said, first of all they gave valid reason to shut you down (you broke forum rules) and second-it's an unofficial version which they don't support.

    And third, compatibility is reduced with certain games, you may not have found any...but you may.

    I prefer official options when I can, heck my laptop (a tad weaker than your pc...most people these days tend to blow us both out of the water) was used for a short time...right before I moved onto a real chipped ps2 :p

    Each to their own dude.
  3. saberwolf357

    saberwolf357 Member

    Yeah, the "broke the rules" part was a substantial reason for closing my thread, I understand that.

    But, it still does not explain why their versions are always so far behind an stuck in betas, if they adopted the same methods the hackers are using to tweak their products then people would not have to search for alternate solutions.

    Then maybe their unofficial version would become official.

    Get my point?

    As far as compatibility, as long as I can play GOD Of War I an GOD Of War II on the Pcsx2 extreme edition I am happy.

    Maybe if I could find or remember some mind blowing games like the two I have mentioned above on PS2 I would considering buying an chipping a PS2 console?
  4. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    That was a hacked version, and no wonder it was not working properly.

    Just use 0.9.6 or Beta r1888, with updated Direct x.

    Different game need a different settings.
    You can't use a single settings for all games,
    that applied to emulator too.

    and what Bositman and jesalvein said was true.
    be remembered, that PCSX2 was under licensed.
    If you found another version that was not listed on the main site, that considered illegal + faulty.

    I get 60fps for using the official one.

    Tell me what game that you attempt to play.
    Maybe I can give you a hint or two.
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Maybe if Pcsx2 was open source, there would be more better alternatives and more versions?
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The only way for the unofficial build to become official is if the real team start using it.

    I suppose the reason they are behind is because...like many other emulation project...they have a life and don't have to sit around and make something just because we keep whinging about it.

    All the hackers did is play around with a official build for a bit just for speed, you haven't extensivly tested it and thus it might do some games better than the real one, but might not run at all on others.

    They may have pulled out some features on the unofficial build to get it running as fast as it does, which may explain what I said up there, but because nethier of us programmed ethier of the emulators, none of us can say for sure.

    No he's saying it's better than the real build...

    Prehaps, always a good option...was no$gba open sorce?

    I'm curious how someone made a 2.7 that was harmful-prehaps restricting access prevents people from the builds means people can trust a product?
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    emulators should aim for accuracy of emulation, not speed, which comes after the accuracy is sorted. The hacked version you mention aims for speed at the expense of accuracy and compatibility, which defeats the intentions of an emulator (which is to be as close to the real thing as possible). This is why it is not approved by the official team.
  8. saberwolf357

    saberwolf357 Member

    I used both "0.9.6 or Beta r1888" an with both products only squeezed a maxium Frame Rate of 40 maybe 55 or 60 :-[

    That sucks when playing PS2 games an you are in the middle of a sequence where there is so much going on, the scene will lag to maybe 30 fps.

    But with this Pcsx2 Extreme Edition, I am achieving a maxmium frame rate of 60 too 100 playing the same fighting sequences with their official or so-called unofficial Pcsx2 releases :-\
  9. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Even if it was better, it still considered hacked.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This is why the psp based n64 emulator "daudalus x64" is taking so long ::)

    Once they get the graphics in order, then it's speed...sometimes it may speed up along that path, but that isn't the aim.

    Much agreed :)
  11. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    I'm not surprised they closed it. You're kind of pissing at their hard, unpaid work.

    With a post like yours it might look like there's a better (=faster) unofficial version out there, even though that is not necessarily the case (=less accurate). Yet you can bet that their forum will be filled with requests why they aren't using this faster version for their own code. Explaining that a dozen times is what they're also trying to avoid.

    Just get the official PCSX2. It's free anyway.