I'm looking for some decent FPS that doesn't exceed the specs of oblivion since that's as far as my integrated graphics can take me.
I already have em. and all of the quake and doom series (finished doom 1,2,3 and am stuck on quake 4)
ah halo for the PC. that was the good times. I played it somewhere about 3-5 years ago and was pretty good. Hmmm modern warfare huh? I'll see if I can handle it.
What are your computer specs? You might be able to use Oldblivion and run oblivion, thats what i did.
too much video RAM. I don't do good in online play. last time I went to a friends house and played his PS3 call of duty 4 in online mode, I only ranked #3 in the 10 players of the game.
my brother always said "you're a noob if you can't even top the charts of COD4" and yeah he is a pro. you should really see him in action