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Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by gameboy5.0, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    i think the pay system could be better and heres how. there a game i play {not say what it is} that if u want to be a mem u can pay 3 ways credt card. money orders. or sms phone.

    what would relly help out if this site did sms phone or text. becaues i know that there are some people out there that dont have a credit card. and i know for a fact that some people can,t wait. so if this site had sms phone then it wouild amke every one happy{i think}

    {to people who post let me know what u dont understand and i will explain it more}
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    SMS would cost us too much to implement, and money orders would also incurr processing costs, not to mention the work involved in adding points to accounts and stuff. With our current system its all automatic.
  3. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Although it sounds like a good idea, it would all depend on how much itll cost to set up, and how hard/how much effort admin feels like putting into it.

    Edit: loony beat me to it :p
  4. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    ok well i mean this if they could set it automatic with the credit card then they could do the same for sms phone. {and monye orders where use becaues i cant spell some times.} DONT JUDGE ME!!! ;D
  5. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    well i think it not to hard becaues the game i play {still not nameing it} use it and it works relly good but true it depends on admin but if they ever did do it i might go on it if there a game i relly want to get and i dont want to wait for points to bulid up
  6. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Please don't triple-post, use the modify button if you have something else you wish to say in your post instead of making multiple posts in a row.
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    There are two ways to pay for this, one is a set fee per charge, not sure how much it'd be but this would probably add up quite quickly. The second way is a yearly payment of $1,000 and then it's quite cheap to do it (if I remember correctly from when I looked into this)

    However, far from all countries support this; I know, for instance, that Denmark has a rule that SMS charges can be more than $1.85 per charge or something. Don't think Norway allows it either.

    Probably not though, I think it'd be too much work to setup and configure. Also you can get a debit card at like age 15 right? (Visa Electron?) At least that's the required age in Denmark, and I'm really not sure I want to sell to people younger than that.
  8. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Further to that you can buy a Visa 'Prezzie card' from just about any post shop. Its kind of like a 'pre payed' visa, you just credit it with your own money.
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Those specific cards are special to NZ though, I'm sure you should be able to get similar payments.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Almost every western country has some form of pre-pay credit/debit card.
  11. thegameman

    thegameman New Member

    i like the idea but it might be to munch work