Lets say that you were given a chance to choose which time would you live in what would you choose: Past - A world with less technology, simple life, not so much poverty, not much pollution Present - very high technology, complex life, poverty is everywhere , very much polluted Future - probably has mor advanced technology than present, probably easier life because of technology, probably there is still much poverty, probably there is still much pollution, probably ther earth is near to end, and probably the earth is invaded by aliens ;D so Which one do you choose and please state why you chose your answer
Add in future I'd say present, I'd never know what life for "last century" people would be like. And plus, I'm quite used to the present
Definately the past. I always hate the fact that I missed Queen, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Pantera and the like live my old man always rambles on about the Pink Floyd concerts he went to, bastard lol
I to prefer the past because I want a life of simplicity...I mean no smoke from factories, cars...Just fresh air and also you can plant your own food in your backyard and just pick away when your hungry
To be precise, I would like to be forever locked in the years between 1996 to 1999, why you ask?? It's a bit personal but those three years mean something special to me
I like the present, it's comfortable to live in and I'm just old enough that I've been able to play the majority of big games that have ever come out, having little to catch up on from before I was born, and still have a life outside of it. Also, I'll admit it, I'm scared of the change.
Yeah back in the 70's & 80's people were just happy going from left to right, dying from a single hit & repeating stages over & over ;D
yes life in the past have a very simple life like living their life peacefuly and dying peacfuly but in the present, yes you could live peacefuly but it would very difficult plus you can die from multiple stab wounds from damn gangsters hanging out in dark streets :-[
You forgot to include ym revolutionary machine taht converts fresh water into oil Yeah, Better to live in t he present, at elast we can handle it
good luck since oil is carbon based and theres no carbon in water. Also can we really handle it? i mean just look around at the chaos we live in.