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Parking officers-evil or just doing thier job?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by mds64, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Sure-they seem cunning-hiding in odd places to catch you out right on the limit of your park time-and they fine you-and they are common.

    But really-they are just lesser police pofficers just doing thier job.

    They have a quote to reach-if they miss it they get the sack.

    Plus despite the annoyance they cause-they do help-imagine if all disabled car parks were taken and no-one did anything-and the police themselves are hardly there.

    Plus all the times You can't get onto a bus because the stop is blocked by an idiot (I had that happen-some would beep him off-other's drive off leaving me to walk :( )

    ...As you can tell, while I have had speeding fines and public transport fines-I never had a parking one because I follow the rules :)

    So what do you think for these poor souls (they have it as bad as taxi drivers-all of those bashings they cop...but at least they speak the local language more often :) )

    And before you say "they should change jobs if they hate it" well some may like the job despite the abuse they cop and the reputation they have (watched on tv current affair show-some parking officer got a DETAILED death threat-adress and house layout was revealed)...

    Plus someone has to do it-I would be one if I could take the abuse-I see SOOOOO many idiots taking disabled parks-thier excuse-"oh I got kids to pick up" yeah right your just too lazy-YOU PEOPLE ALSO CONTRIBUTE TO AUSTRALIA'S OBESITY PROBLEM LEAVE THOSE FOR THE PEOPLE IN NEED!

    ...ok enough rant-I am on thier side as "a fellow worker in a crap job"-what's your opinion?

    (and yes I reckon even just a tazer can't hurt them for safety :) )
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i got once for illegal parking, but i never gotten any speeding ticket....
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    My father is the Police Traffic Officer.
    So whenever He got a complains from those who have been summons by his worker..
    he just say " We're are only doing our job, If you got summons, It means you're not following the rules. "(summon-don't know if I'm using the right words.. :) )
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i think the word you are looking for is saman, in cantones its mean 30,000 XD
  5. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Saman in malay..isn't it??
    I still remember it either summonses or summon... hmm..
    at my place the frequent 'customer' that always go to my father office are Chinese peoples(no offend!!) :)
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i'm not sure if its malay or english rip off..... now days malay is just a cheap rip off of english example, Family = Famili instead of Keluarga, Information = Infomasi instead of Maklumat....

    make me wonder why do they even border to teach malay... since nobody use them anymore, they now perfer to use retarded english.

    anyway i dotn really hate traffic police, well i do hate them sometimes because they never there when you need them.

    I mean i get a parking ticket from parking at the side road that never borther anyone, but nobody get a ticket when they park in the middle of the road and causing heave trafic jam.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    summonses is what makes you go to court.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...wow this is starting to go off topic-mega "summones" is right as looney said.

    Wow-does he cop a fair bit of abuse on the job?
  9. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    they are just doing their job, if the timer runs out, the timer runs out. if you park in the red you should get a ticket. it is their job to write tickets and whatnot, but without them you'll have jackasses who will park overnight and never move their vehicle... their doing a public service, don't whine about it.
  10. black dragon 1

    black dragon 1 Well-Known Member

    I agree. They're just doing their job but sometimes when I have to let an old woman with a walking aid step out of my cab and the disabled parking space is right in front of the house.
    The parking officer cums up to me and says to move my car.
    Not looking at the older lady that steps out. He just sees me and my cab, thinking I'm not following rules.

    This happens a few times a month.
    What should I do then?
    Park 20 feet away and let the old lady walk back to her house?
    I have to say that I haven't got any ticket for parking violations because I stay calm and explain it to the guy.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ah-I see mister dragon :(

    That is the issue with some-they see the law and not the kindess that you have done.

    If you want to avoid fines then try parking further away.

    If you have the diplomacy then keep parking.

    ...wow-never thought we'd have the 3 most risky jobs all in one place XD

    (Taxi driver is dangerous in melbourne-parking officers as well-trolley collector's like my self get in the path of both parking officer and taxi's daily-helping or avoiding being hit :( but anyways back on topic)
  12. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Parking officers are fine, but the system many of them in is garbage. There's no way they should be paid based on either a quota or a commission for the amount of cars they get. It should always be the spirit of the law followed, not the letter.
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Indeed-some mis-fine people as I heard.

    It's like taxi's though-forces them to work harder.

    Otherwise they'd just take random walks and leave people alone unless it's seriously in the wrong or they are lawful officers.