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Parallel Universes, Are they Really Real?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by toffster92, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Ok, I was watching the Science Channel last night and I saw this show about Parallel universes and the ability to travel through them.
    Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, explains that parallel universes do exist and that sometime in the near future humans will be able to look and and even send probes to them.

    What I want to know from the RomU community is do you believe in parallel universes and that we can travel through them?

    Personally, I believe that there are such things as parallel universes but i don't think that we can travel to them anytime soon.
  2. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    A lot of physicists believe that parallel universes must exist for time travel to be 'valid'.Simply speaking, it parallel universes allow us to avoid 'the grandfather paradox'.Curious?Google it.(physicist said the law of physics allows for time travel)
  3. iamhoan

    iamhoan Member

    The consensus is that parallel universe must exist for the theoretics of strings to work. Its all philosophy and none of it can be tested our shown. As for time travel, it will never happen. Our bodys could never make the leap: the strains of the energy requirements and distances rule out living beings traveling through time. However if you could you would only succed in traveling through alternate realities. Delayed choice response posits that the choices we make skew different versions of our selves into these alternate or parallel universes. All the while the original version continue to live in their own reality. Kinda like that show Sliders.
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    multi world theory isnt the only solution for paradox free time travel.

    IIRC there is 2 way a possible way to solve the grandfather paradox.

    1. you kill your grandfather, and your action create another univer that flow with your real universe (multi world thoery)

    2. you kill your grandfather, and your action to cause you to disappear with your grandfather still dead cause you have created a future that you never being born.

    however back to the question, i personally dont belive in parralle universe since they dont really have anything solid thing to back it up. however i do find the multi world theory intresting.
  5. Silvertie

    Silvertie Well-Known Member

    I believe in the parallel universe. However, I don't beileve it has any bearing on the grandfather paradox, except as a universe-fixing ass-pull.
    Every time something has multiple ways it could go or things it could do, I think a universe is created for every single one. Out there, there may be a universe where I never typed this post. Out there may exist a universe where I never used the letter e in this post. Out there, there may be a universe where I never used more than one example.
    If we time-travelled, all we'd do is start spawning more parallel universes needlessly.

    Jumping laterally though reality into other versions may be possible, in the far-off future. However, the changes will be so slight... a single thing doing something different somewhere... it would be a phenomonal waste of energy and/or time.

    Of course, this is all just hypothetical shooting of thin air. I'll either be long dead or some form of computer by the time this sort of thing becomes a mainstream issue.
  6. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    I believe parallel dimensions do exist, but it would probably take a worldwide effort and at least two Einstein grade geniuses even to gain proof, much less a device to travel through the wall in between them. Furthermore, I also believe the theory that every work of creativity that human minds have come up with has been because those individuals have glimpsed a parallel world in their subconscious minds.
  7. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    "Well, there's your problem."
  8. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Einstein is not geniuse by today's standard.
  9. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Although difficult to quantify, genius refers to a level of aptitude, capability or achievement which exceeds even that of most other exceptional contemporaries in the same field. Taken straight from the pages of wikipedia. Einstein's I.Q. might not be genius level now but he was a genius at theoretical physics, the exact same field of study that parallel dimensional research is in.
  10. kidopitz27

    kidopitz27 Member

    yeah i watch that one in a website Michio Kaku and other scientist thinks that the black hole is really a white hole that creates new universe or another parallel world and then he said that there is another universe but we cannot see it but they can see us ( thats unfair ^.^) imagine it like in the movie The One starring Jet Li he killed his other self from other universe to collect their powers maybe that what is ^.^V peace out
  11. Oathlend

    Oathlend Member

    The world is based on balance. Yin/Yang, Positive and negative particles, karma. And so if this world exists there has to be another that is the complete opposite to balance it out. If your a nice person =positive. This means in the other world you are negative. If we do go to the other world we would have to switch out with your parallel self to keep the world in balance or the consequence may be extreme
  12. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    I'd like to believe so but there's no way to know, and no actual evidence to go on...........
  13. kme92

    kme92 Well-Known Member

    I like the Futurama episode on this with the multiverses in different boxes :p
    Anythings possible., another question is how do you think people will handle it?
  14. Oathlend

    Oathlend Member

    Yes there is no evidence but there is also no evidence on protons and electrons. It is a theory that is correct until someone proves the theory wrong
  15. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Everything you just said, excluding the bit about there being no evidence for parallel universes, is not even wrong.
  16. cjfc.vp

    cjfc.vp Well-Known Member

    The answer to the initial question is yes. now lock the thread.
  17. Odotegui

    Odotegui Member

  18. Zafrina

    Zafrina Member

    hell yeah but us being able to travel through them would be bad, i mean i could rip open the space time continum or something the only way we could travel through one is through some kind of freak accident that only involves a small number or one person/s ^.^