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Paper Craft, My new hobby!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rhith, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    I thought I would just share a new hobby I fell upon a few days ago, the art of paper craft.
    I have had a great time thus far with paper craft. It is very appealing to be able to take a sheet of paper and be able to turn it into just about anything you can think of. A great thing about it is how cheap it is too, just the cost of paper, ink and a dab of glue. (Aside from scissors/knife and that such stuff)
    I don't really know what to say about it though, so I'll let pictures of some of my stuff speak for it self.

    Shadow the Hedgehog:

    Meowth Air Balloon:

    Toro AKA Sony Cat

    Red Knight from Castle Crashers

    And I did NOT make this one (yet) but if Loony looked in here I'm sure he would love it. And a link to the site to download the pattern is below it.


    For those who want to try it out here are the sites I have bookmarked for paper crafting:
    http://cubeecraft.com/# (Very easy, great for beginners)
    http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~sf-papercraft/Gallery/Gallery.html (Starwars ahoy! Very detailed hard stuff.)
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Woah! Those are awesome :D

    Man the things you could do with Origami these days.
  3. ClydeOne

    ClydeOne Well-Known Member

    Awesome. I especially like the Shadow the Hedgehog one. ;D
  4. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    That one was a PAIN!
    I couldn't get the head right for a while. Can't see it in the picture but in the back it's all spikey and what not.

    But thank you! ^__^
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    try origami, it's the same kind of thing except no glue/ink/scissors, only folding allowed :)
  6. Sunshine29

    Sunshine29 Active Member

    Wow! those look REALLY good. I'm well impressed.
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i use to do that when i was a kid, i still remember that i build a G1 optimus prime out of paper for art class, and i get a a+ on that ^.^

    too bad that optimus prime didnt survive the flood

    but then i'm not intrested in that kind of stuff anymore....
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Haha that is really cool stuff. Keep it up. Only thing I have made is that tiny little DS you can make from printing out that template. But yeah, thanks for the links.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @loony: There are several schools of thought on Origami that envolves using scissors &/or glue but yes traditionally it just involved paper folding.
  10. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    It's so freaking awesome!
  11. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the kind words!
    A while back I was into origami, I like this a bit better though because you can build HUGE structures and just about anything.

    For my next large project I want to try and build Omni/Fiercy Diety Link.
    Parts: http://members.home.nl/saarloos/zelda/zeldadownloads/onilinkparts.pdf
    Instructions: http://members.home.nl/saarloos/zelda/zeldadownloads/onilinkinstr.pdf
  12. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    What about that one site that had all the blockheaded ones? Penny Arcade talked about them once....
  13. zanzetzuken19

    zanzetzuken19 Well-Known Member

    is there any sites that gives you the parts of a certain character? if there is can you post it here for other ppol to enjoy ^_^
  14. cheryldylan67

    cheryldylan67 Active Member

    WOW!!!! Very clever. My lad would love them. Well done you xx
  15. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    What exactly are you looking for?
    For nintendo characters you can look at http://www.nintendopapercraft.com/

    For other video games you can look at http://members.home.nl/saarloos/index.htm

    But if there's something specific you're looking for all you have to do is google "[character name] paper craft" and you will usually find it.
  16. zanzetzuken19

    zanzetzuken19 Well-Known Member

    umm.. another question... what kind of paper do you use? is it just normal white paper?
  17. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    wow dude those are impressive :) ill remember these sites for my design projects.
  18. zanzetzuken19

    zanzetzuken19 Well-Known Member

    umm... more questions.... where can i find the steps for the charmeleon paper craft?
  19. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    I bought 24lb paper, but it is still very light. You can use standard printer paper though. (Usually 20lb) For large stuff people recommend getting card or cover stock. I've seen 67lb or about 140gms.

    Can you link me to which one you're referring to?
    A lot of the time you can't find instructions though. Mostly just look at the pictures and dry fold them to see what looks right.

    Probably www.cubeecraft.com and for the Penny Arcade ones I found them here http://www.rainslick.com/papercraft
    This website also has some easier cube like ones http://marshallalexander.net/
  20. uberslaughter

    uberslaughter Member

    That shadow looks awesome, great work.