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Pacquiao vs Hatton (Discussion on the fight)

Discussion in 'General News' started by slapandpop, May 3, 2009.

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  1. slapandpop

    slapandpop Member

    What did you think of the fight between pacman and hitman? It doesn't matter whether you're brit or filipino, just comment if you're a boxing fan.

    Well, i for one, think that the fight was too short. And both fighters are best known around the world. Hatton was a real good boxer but it looks like pacquiao proved otherwise. Hatton got KO'd during the 2nd round, 2.59.
  2. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    Hatton got pwned by Pacquiao. Hatton is been hit man.
  3. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    if only war could be than like this

    btw to whom did anyone of you bet on?
  4. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    I knew Pacquiao had it. He's a machine.
  5. Speculate

    Speculate New Member

    the knockout was brutal, that's for sure
  6. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    Of hardwork and perseverance. he was smilling in the end of the first round lol
  7. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Being someone who thinks Pacquiao is getting big-headed for every win he gets, i believe he really put a lot of training on this fight, but due to being human and being curious and all, does anybody think the fight was "fixed"?

    The Hitman was a great fighter, but he seemed very confident, unlike the Pacman which really poured a lot of his time on his training... well, i never saw Hattons training so i dont know how much he put into his training
  8. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    Fixed? that would surely ruin hatton's credibility.
  9. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    if he was recieving millions for a 1-time down, it would not be a big loss for him. i think being knocked down by the Pacman without just compensation is just a shame. for being a Undefeated in the 140pounds category, and just knockedout in 2nd round.

    Well, thats just a thought if the fight was fixed. Pacman really won that fixed or not. And the bruises would show faster in a whiteman instead of a brown man.
  10. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    Or maybe hattton's thinking of retiring cause he's rich already.
  11. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    Oh dude I lost my bet.
  12. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Did you see that knockout punch in slow mo? That was so awesome, knocked out Hatton out cold.
  13. slapandpop

    slapandpop Member

    i think if hatton had it fixed, then it would put real shame to all his fans and to his country as well. Pacquiao is a real good fighter, Hatton too, they've put on a good show but like what i afore-mentioned, it was too short. I think hatton's team underestimated the pacquiao team. Also, i think pacquiao exerted more effort in his training for it was his first fight with a brit and he wouldn't know what to expect. So the fight simply showed that, most probably, pacman was overtrained to be fighting with hatton, he should've went straight to mayweather. :D
  14. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    it wasnt fixed, thats how fights go. hatton didnt stick to the plan. he tried to go toe2toe with pacquiao and slug it out. hatton was fightin like it was the 12th round in the first. pacquiao is faster, stronger......and better. he proved it saturday. just watch the reply.
  15. tomitanoshii

    tomitanoshii Well-Known Member

    Hatton is known to be an slugger, power punching his way through every bout. An in boxer with a low stance he favors attacking than defending and he mostly swivels for defense. Hatton is generally aggressive, pressuring his opponent to the ropes and releasing a barrage of punches while his at it. Boxers can't change their style overnight or in this case the next fight. Its like giving a basketball player a beach ball a week before his game. Unfortunately Hatton never did changed / evolved his style because nobody in his current division stand up to him.
  16. DSaddictforever

    DSaddictforever Well-Known Member

    well i heard a rumor that before a boxing match, the two player's weights have to be the same.
    at first pacman was 130+ and hitman was 150+...
    so they settled that they both have to be at 140 for the match...
    so i think at the time of the match, hitman was really tired because of dieting and lack of energy because of trying to meet the 140+ requirement.
    because of that and pacman is really good. :p
  17. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    "Theer's someting else, you kno. VitWatur."
    -Manny Pacquiao in "VitWatur" commercial.

    Maybe he drank a lot of this "VitWatur".
  18. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    di you see batista? :eek:
  19. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Yup. Why?
  20. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    Batista is he's bodyguard
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