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owners of eznuke stink

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fallen_angel4155, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. i got yelled at today by some 17 year old kid because i had somthing to say about the site that i had through them has been missin 2 out of the 4 days that i had it. saying i should be greatfull cause there free. I underrstand that i am new here but at this place i have always been treated with respect. never been treated like crap cause i had a problem with something.

    this was the conversation:

    Today, 02:38 AM
    Junior member Join Date: Sep 2007
    Posts: 3

    Where is my site?


    after i just installed my shout box block i hit home and i get redirected to eznuke.com. if my site got deleted let me know why and i'll take down whatever made you mad. i just know i was starting to get the hang of this and it's gone. kinda makes me mad i have spent the past couple of days working on it dealing with how slow everything was, and now nothing.

    please let me know whats going on


    Last edited by fallenangel4155 : Today at 02:41 AM. Reason: wanted to make sure i got an email when this was replied to

    Today, 02:52 AM
    Super Moderator Join Date: Dec 2006
    Location: Australia >N.S.W >Newcastle
    Posts: 402

    First off if you read the TOS you would know if you done anything wrong.
    Secondly i dont know about this.
    And finally dont complain about our services when we are giving you this site for free aye.
    No Problem,

    My Clan Site.
    Kill Without Order

    Today, 08:57 AM
    Senior Member Join Date: Oct 2005
    Posts: 169

    And finally dont complain about our services when we are giving you this site for free aye.

    That wasn't a very nice thing to say!! Mods shouldn't behave this way!!

    Maybe you need a nap..or a time out..
    Following the Lord where he leads me



    Last edited by Sara : Today at 08:58 AM. Reason: Edit

    Today, 09:42 AM
    Super Moderator Join Date: Dec 2006
    Location: Australia >N.S.W >Newcastle
    Posts: 402

    No i know i was being mean but its the Truth. You'se all seem to be able to complain about something when it takes 20seconds extra to load or you get a day without your site. We have over 1000's of site to help on and edit stuff for and we dont need you guys complaining about everything that happends All the time. So please just let us do our job without u guys anoying uss more then the errors and edits we have do.
    No Problem,

    My Clan Site.
    Kill Without Order

    Today, 12:22 PM
    Senior Member Join Date: Jun 2006
    Location: New England
    Posts: 287

    Originally Posted by MaT
    No i know i was being mean but its the Truth. You'se all seem to be able to complain about something when it takes 20seconds extra to load or you get a day without your site. We have over 1000's of site to help on and edit stuff for and we dont need you guys complaining about everything that happends All the time. So please just let us do our job without u guys anoying uss more then the errors and edits we have do.

    Sorry MaT, but i will have to agree with Sara, that's not nice at all.
    And besides, you are talking about people that complain but don't need to mention all of "US". Some of us are very patient and thankful for all the great service we receive.



    Today, 12:25 PM
    Junior Member Join Date: Sep 2007
    Posts: 3

    Now look


    Originally Posted by MaT
    No i know i was being mean but its the Truth. You'se all seem to be able to complain about something when it takes 20seconds extra to load or you get a day without your site. We have over 1000's of site to help on and edit stuff for and we dont need you guys complaining about everything that happends All the time. So please just let us do our job without u guys anoying uss more then the errors and edits we have do.

    First of all i was complaining, about how long it took for me to finally understand how to get thinks going in my site that it took a long time cause i am used to strictly html. and if you want to say somthing about me complaining about my site being missing for 2 out of the 4 days that i have had it then so be it. I wasn't trying to be rude, but you sure seem to have been wheather you ment it or not. I didn't even say anything the first time my site was completely gone all there was, was an error saying page cannot be displayed. and this time it just redirects to your site. am i suposed to jump for joy and say look how this place has blessed me? am i not supposed to be upset? Or maybe it's cause i am new so i don't matter?This is the PhpNuke Support Forum right. and i was posting cause i needed PhpNuke Support. I wasn't trying to make anyone upset. aren't we supposed to let you know whats wrong?Or maby the big secret in here that i am missing is to pretend that everything is groovy cause it's free.

    once again for support, my site is Gamer Girlz

    Not that you'll see it. Maybe i shouldn't still ask for help on whats going on cause Mat might yell at me again.

    Sorry I get a little defencive when some 17 year old kid yells at me like i am 2 when i am almost 30

    Last edited by fallenangel4155 : Today at 01:15 PM.
  2. I basicly want to give props to the owners and mods of this site. i know that it's two different sites but the respect for the customers they hold should be the same and you guys rock. If you guys ever start web hosting i am there. at least you guys don't have problems anytime someone sneezes and then yell for asking why?
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    thats not how you treat customers...

    btw, fallen_angel, I do web hosting, so PM me if you want.