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Overrated is...erhh...overrated?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by allkratos, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    It seems to me that the internet community often use the word 'Overrated' to describe their hatred over something like video games, movies, singers,etc.

    Apparently everything good is overrated.
    But some people if not most misunderstood the word, they accept the word as an indication of flaws of something/the subject.

    When i say HALO is good, somebody says: Nay, it is Overrated.
    -HALO is overrated but there is no denying it is good if not decent enough.
    When i say FF VII is overrated, somebody says(fanboy): What? It is the best game ever!!!
    -FF VII is overrated , yes it is good. But it is far from being the best game ever.
    When is say or somebody says WoW is good, someone else will say: Overrated!!! You have no life!!!
    -WoW is good but overrated. I agree as I've never found it being any addictive as some gamers said.

    If you want to point out the flaws of a game or a movie, please point without saying 'Overrated' unless you want to say it is overrated in the first place. Like Star Wars franchise.
    Or in gaming case, Call of Duty 4 : MW 2. Not even decent in my opinion.
  2. Dannysikth

    Dannysikth Well-Known Member

    This thread is overrated ;D

    Halo bores me to tears, so it is overrated.

    I think allkratos is a Less Than Jake fan but if he has no idea what I mean then he should listen to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr-jM8uYlog
    The actual video is overrated ;)
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Maybe for you.
    I do find it overrated, but it is still an ok game that passes the time away.
  4. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Halo is basically the definition of overrated. People will buy it just because it says Halo on it, no other reason. Not to mention it gets tons of attention it doesn't deserve for what is overall, a very sub-par experience.

    Halo was a pretty awful example for "good, but not overrated".
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I never have bought any Halo games because my 360 doesn't work and I've never been one to get into hypes unless they are Nintendo related...

    I only downloaded Halo 3 to test it once I flash my 360 drive. (Still awaiting for a newer computer to be compatible... ::) )
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    That doesn't mean it's overrated.

    I think Halo's good. It's definitely overrated and not the greatest game of all time, but it's entertaining for what it is. The first one is the best and it went downhill from there, from what I see from Reach and played from it, it's better than 3 and 2.

    It's an opinion to think that it is a sub-par experience. I think it's okay and others will say it's great etc.

    I think it's overrated because it's so accessible, meaning that a lot of people are able to play it and enjoy it up to a point. It's overrated because the series enjoys a high metacritic score and there's a lot of games better than it and get lower scores. And as far a FPS' go, it's the most simple one to play imo.
  7. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Yep the metacritic score is ridiculous if you think back how long the single-player campaign is.

    Another game i forgot to mention is Half-Life 2, gets a lot of attention and good review scores. I think it's nowhere near what have been written in most reviews. HDR, physics aren't 'new ideas' but a conscious technological advancement. If Half-Life 2 didn't do it, other game will do it at some point. Some levels are dull like The Citadel, Nova Prospect Prison, etc. Gravity Gun is great but it's not revolutionary. The A.I is not what the reviews said. It's a great game overall, better than CoD 4 MW/MW 2 or HALO as far as single-player goes, in my opinion.
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    That's the problem though.

    A game gets hype, people have been waiting for it, it gets extremely good reviews and pushes it into overrated. Now, say you go out and get that game after reading a few reviews and reading some pre-release info, you'll be horribly disappointed because it is nowhere near what was promised or what the reviews said it was. You put in the game expecting a revolutionary experience, like nothing you've ever played, and the problem is, no game will ever be that. Certain games will be far better than others, but allowing yourself to get sucked into the hype will ruin the experience and not allow you to appreciate it.

    Basically, you avoid the hype and over the top reviews, and you'll probably be able to enjoy a game that you wouldn't of otherwise.

    The only problem with this plan, is that it is pretty much impossible. Really though, it isn't so much about it being overrated, it's letting yourself believe the people who give it that status. Every game I've ever called overrated was truly overrated for what was a sub-par experience.

    Plus, the more overrated a product becomes, the worse future products seem to be.
  9. Dannysikth

    Dannysikth Well-Known Member

    I wrote this comment and got weird responses.
    Like this:
    You seem annoyed by the statement then agree. Any particular reason?

    Same goes for this comment....
    Am I reading this wrong? Does it look like somebody is telling me I'm wrong then agreeing with me? Again?!

    This comment is at least correct. It is my opinion that Halo is a sub-par experience. But it is my opinion. I did not tell anyone not to like it. I didn't tell anyone not to enjoy it. I didn't tell anyone not to buy it and I didn't point out any fanboys telling me I am wrong. Oh wait, I did that one. Meh.
  10. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Meh, i didn't like Halo 1, i do find it overrated. Same with Half Life, although i played half life around 5 months ago, maybe my opinion would be different if i played the games when they originally came out.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Halo 1 is a solid game, but the hype isn't needed, thus is IS overrated.

    I should know-I bought a copy for pc.

    Same for 2.

    But then again I find all fps games to be the EXACT same thing, doom, avp, half life, bioshock...your just walking around killing things with maybe a mix up of gameplay.

    This is why after I clocked bioshock one and 2 I'm giving up on fps games.

    (Only good one was goldeneye and perfect dark)
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    No, your definition on the word overrated is wrong. Why? Because just because one person doesn't like something popular does not classify the game as overrated. It wasn't that you said that Halo is overrated, it was your reasoning behind it that was wrong.

    Same thing with Ace's post, same thing as my first comment.

    Overrated means something that is scored or regarded, too highly of. Which most high rated and high profile games are guilty of. Overrated does not mean disagreeing against a majority or disliking something popular.
  13. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Yes. That is what i was trying to tell but failed to choose the correct words to describe it.
  14. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    It sounds like you dont understand properly the meaning of overrated. overrated - Given an undue amount of credit for quality or merit in a field; not necessarily related to popularity.
    halo3 is the perfect example. It says on the box "not just game of the year, game of the decade"
  15. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Overrated means-getting a lot of high review scores that shouldn't be given. Like IGN and Gamespot gave HALO 3 higher scores that what it really is. IGN gave Modern Warfare 2 9.5!!! crazy.
  16. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    If you don't like the game, and you find it overrated, just don't play it. It isn't going to change your life if it's overrated.
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    But that game IS well built.

    Like halo...but reviewers go by how well it plays and looks, they (in most cases) get reviewers who aren't into the hype.

    It's why games like lost planet 2 and the new tranformers games got so low-they actually found someone who saw the games from a non fan boy view (as a fan boy of lost planet, I STILL THINK IT DESERVES 10 OUTTA 10 despite the...um...bugs :p )

    Whatever the case...life is overrated...
  18. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Well built is not enough to warrant a 9.5 score. It has a lot of flaws, like rushed content and story
    Same for Halo 3. It's not because i don't like them. I do enjoy them but not to the point by wanting to give 10/10 or 9.5.
    Well, not surprising as IGN tend to overrate "games that look like a movie." What i've noticed recently is that Gamespot gives lower score than IGN. Example Mass Effect 2 9.0 but 9.6 in IGN....Red Dead Redemption 9.5 but 9.7 IGN. Nevertheless, both sites do love praise a game because it is like a movie.
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, no game should breach the 9.0 area unless it is flat out extraordinary. By breaching 9.0, it is basically saying the game is near perfection, where none of the games you listed even come close to perfection.
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    modern warfare 2 isn't overrated its the best of its type, so it gets the best score. 9.5 is deserved or near enough, personally i would say about 9.2.
    If it got 9.5 when a better game got less THEN it would be overrated