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Over done: My favorite 100 Nintendo console games (still being completed)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by darkrequiem, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    As the title says, this may have been over done, but I feel like doing one of these now.
    I will periodically post (in no particular order other than when it comes to my mind) my favorite 70 games that have been released on Nintendo consoles. I chose 100 because 50 is too little and there are definitely 100 games on Nintendo systems that deserve mention.

    I apologize if this get's up slowly, but I'm interested in your opinions. And if this is popular enough, I may do a PC version.

    Keep in mind that these are not all games released by Nintendo. Just games
    Post your favorites here, since I might change my posts if I agree (I tend to forget some games sometimes)

    Here are the first 5, and reasons why. I'm only doing 5 this time to give room for other people's opinion on the rest of the list.
    (in a spoiler tag due to the images)

    Wii Sports
    This game may not be everyone's favorite, but no doubt for it's price (free),
    it can't beat. It's addictiveness and competitive capabilities have
    created moments of fun with people who ordinarily don't even play video games.
    I can't think of a better video game to convince non video-gamers to play the Wii.

    The Legend of Zelda
    Can anyone not make a list like this and 'forget' the Legend of Zelda?
    This games deserves to be on the list simply because it is the best game
    (in my opinion) to grace the system that is the NES. At it's time, it was a masterpiece and unique.
    Even today, it is better then many new games that come out. If only there was a remake....

    Earth Bound
    Probably the single best RPG on the SNES (again, in my opinion).
    Earthbound managed to create a cute and friendly world with a seriously dark and morbid theme
    (Gigya's and the fetus theory anyone?) It also has an intuitive and fun battle system.
    The emphasis on text was, in my opinion, a brilliant choice. Especially when said text is hilarious.
    Unfortunately, the US has not seen much of this series.

    Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
    If you love any Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi game, you'll love this. The precursor to Mario RPGs.
    With it's funny dialogue (later to be seen in the excellent Paper Mario series) this game lasted hours.
    While the RPG elements weren't as deep as other series (say, Final Fantasy) the gameplay was just as good
    as this game tried to blend RPG and Platformer concepts.

    Perfect Dark
    Perfect Dark is, arguably, a better version of Golden Eye. When it was released, it was one of the best
    looking N64 games, as well as being fine tuned with a huge amount of options to chose from. There are also
    a number of guns that are just fun to use. The game also has numerous puzzle and other brain related
    challenges. This makes one of my favorite FPS games (and I'm not a fan of FPS games either!)