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Outdoor games

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Ok so we all agree that the cyber life is better than the real world with its problems like pollution, Corruption, Crime, Global Warming & such. That's why we preffer gaming & being on RomUlation's Forum ;D , but as Winterreise has so stressed out, we do need to go outside bask in the sun & do outdoor activities & sports.

    Well, this thread is all about the outdoors & childhood games that we used to play as kids, I do hope you guys share with everybody the outdoor games (not necessarily sports) you all know.

    To start things off, here are a few games we Filipinos play

    IMPORTANT NOTE: I was too lazy to make my own descriptions on the rules for these games so I kinda cheated, I copied the rules from these sites:


    So atleast I've told you that I did copied them from other sites, oh & I modified some of them like "Syato" as some call it "Chato"

    here goes:

    1. AGAWAN BASE (Capture the Base)
    Pronounced as: a-ga-wan base
    Participants: As many as possible - the more the merrier.
    Participants are divided into two teams with equal number of team members. The object of the game is for one team to try & capture the base of the other by reaching the other's home base first & tagging a pre-decided item (e.g., a tree trunk, a rock, etc) symbolizing the opposite team - without getting tagged by the defending members of the opposite team. A safety line is drawn between the two teams. A member of an opposing team who crosses the safety line into the territory of the other team can be chased & tagged by the team that owns that base. If the attacker gets tagged before he/she manages to get back to his/her safety zone or home base, he/she becomes a prisoner (POW) of the opposite team. He/she can be rescued by his/her teammates if one of his/her teammates manage to get close to the base & tag the POW without getting tagged himself/herself by the guard or one of the defenders in the opposing team.
    The game ends when a member of an opposing team manages to tag the symbol of the other team or when all the members of one team are captured by the other leaving their homebase free for the opposite team to attack & capture.
    This game is similar to the Capture the Flag game which is the basis for the 90s adult game called Paintball Combat Game which has gained popularity over recent years. Tagging has been substituted for airpistols/guns with water-soluble paint as ammunitions for the guns.

    2. Syato - pronouced as Si - Yah - Toh played by digging a small hole on the ground and using 2 sticks - a short and a long one. Put the short stick on the hole with one end protruding out; hit that end with the long stick and while the short stick is in the air, try and hit it again as far as it can go. Then measure the distance using the long stick as the yardstick. The winner then gets to hit the short stick, starting from the hole, as many times as his winnings. The loser has to run from that distance back to the hole, all the while shouting "SIIIIYAAAATOOOOH!" If he/she loses his breath while running, the winner hits the small stick again from that point, and the loser has to run and shout again.

    3. GAGAMBA
    Pronounced as: ga-gam-ba
    Played by two people, each having their own "champion spider". An arbiter will then conduct the spider match on a little stick. The victor will be the spider that eats-up the other one first.

    Pronounced as: ha-bu-lan es-tat-wa
    Translated literally to English as "Chase Statue". The game is played by any number of players. At least 4 players will be fun enough.
    Select the "it".
    Game is played by the "it" chasing everyone.
    Once the "it" tags someone, the person tagged must "freeze" or become a "statue" in the position he/she was tagged.
    If the "statue" moves (voluntarily or not), then he becomes the new "it". Everyone else (tagged or not) is free to run.
    If an untagged player manages to tag a "statue", then the statue can move and play again. Naturally, the "it" will defend his "catch".
    If the "it" manages to tag everyone, he will then wait for someone to move again. Once one of the "statues" move he becomes the new "it". Everyone else is free to move and run-away from the new "it".
    Play until all players are exhausted.

    (This game is also known as "Monkey Monkey Annabelle" in some places)

    English translation: Dropping the Handkerchief
    Any number of players form a circle. An IT is chosen via the Jack-en-poy or counting-rhyme method. The IT goes around the circle and drops the handkerchief slyly behind one of the players in the circle. If the person notices the handkerchief, the person picks up the handkerchief & chases the IT around the circle. The IT has to reach the vacant space left by the person chasing before IT is tagged, otherwise, the IT has to take back the handkerchief and repeat the process all over again. If the IT does succeed to claim the vacant space, then the person who used to occupy that vacant space (the person chasing the IT) becomes the new IT. If the IT succeeds in making one trip around the circle without the player in the circle noticing that the handkerchief was dropped behind him/her, that player becomes the new IT
    A variation that we used to do is not use a handkerchief at all since it is so easy to detect the handkerchief. Rather, we just use our hands to tap lightly the chosen "victim" in the circle.
    Also, sometimes to make it more interesting & lively, before the new IT starts choosing a new "victim", he/she is penalized by being asked to choose between doing "truth or consequence." The "truth" penalty would allow a member of the circle chosen by the person being penalized to ask him/her personal questions such as "Who is your crush?" or some silly question... The "consequence" penalty would include dancing or singing or reciting a poem, etc... The point to all these is to make the chasing more challenging since if one doesn't succeed in getting back to his/her place, one is surely going to get some kind of penalty. One has to be a good runner when one is playing this game

    Pronounced as: pah-tin-teh-roh
    This is played by an even number of people, at least 4 people, but a good number would be 6 or 8 (the more the merrier-but it gets more difficult to win). You must also have enough space to play this game--it is basically an outdoor game. Select a relatively flat area. Now, the example below is for 8 players. Divide these players into 2 teams. The position for the first 4 "(d)efenders" are designated below. The patotot [pah-toh-tot] or middle man (d4) is optional....but it's more fun to have one.
    | | |
    | B | B | B = home base/start
    d1 --|-------+-------|-- d1 for attackers.
    | | |
    | | |
    d2 --|-------+-------|-- d2
    | | |
    | | |
    d3 --|-------+-------|-- d3
    | H | H |
    | | | H = halfway zone
    All the defending players can ONLY move along their own lines (say, 15 ft in length). Each of the defending players (ie. d1-d3) MUST be spaced far enough from each other so that an incoming "(a)ttacking" player will not be TAGGED from the front or behind him while staying idle (resting) in the middle of 2 defending players (even 3 if the middle man is there). Depending on the agreed rules, defending players can only step on their lines and may or may not be allowed to step out to reach an attacking player. The defender must of course have at least one foot on his own line to reach out and tag an attacker. (something like a catcher in baseball should have at least one foot on the base).
    The basic GOAL of the game is: to get one OR as many as possible OR all of the attacking players until the Halfway area and back to Base. Once an attacking player is tagged by any of the defenders, he/she is out of the game. It is up to the players to decide what the definition of a score is. Also, if the attacking player goes out of bounds (outside the game area), he/she can be considered out as well. Attackers and defenders then change roles after a score OR a player is tagged-out, it depends on what is agreed upon before the start of the game.
    Variations of the game: Once you have mastered the idea of the game, simply change the rules to whatever you like... one variation is when a single attacking player is tagged, defenders and attackers switch roles (ie. strike out for the whole team). Score can be maintained for how many were able to return to Base, OR how many were tagged-out.
    Need large space (ie. field, garden) depending on how many playing.
    Mark defender's lines if possible. Define outside zone.
    Need equal number of players on each team.
    Decide the rules, what the definition of score is.
    Defenders must stay along their "lines" to tag incoming attackers.
    Attackers must get through to the half way zone and back to base in order to win or score, without getting tagged by any of the defenders or stepping on the outside zone.
    Once an attacker is tagged:

    a. Game over for that player AND/OR
    b. Teams change roles AND/OR
    c. Continue until all other players make it through AND/OR
    d. Continue until one player makes it through.

    7. PIKO
    Pronounced as: pee-koh
    Is similar to hopscotch, the playing field is different though

    8. SIPA
    Pronounced as: see-pah
    Uses a coin-like object (washer) with colorful threads attached to it. This is then kicked (sipa) into the air by the player as many times as he can without the "sipa" falling on the floor. This is also known as "Foot Bag" played by Americans using a small bag filled with beans.

    Pronounced as: tum-bahng preh-so
    This is a relatively simple game. At least 3 players are needed, although the more, the merrier. First, select the "it" or the defender. Next, find a can, or something that can be knocked over easily from a distance. Position this can in the center of the game area (this will be it's home plate or base). The game is played as follows.
    The "it" will defend the can from being knocked down. While it is in the upright position, the "it" can chase anyone and tag him/her. When a player is tagged, and the can is still in the upright position, that player becomes the new "it".
    The rest of the players must then see to it that the can is always knocked down. The "it" of course can always put it back in the upright position. The rest of the players usually use their slippers to knock the can from a distance. Or if one gets close enough to the can without getting tagged, he can kick it and pick-up the rest of the "weapons" or slippers used. Of course, it is usually up to the other players to get their own "weapons" or slippers. For fairness, it would be nice if the players had only two slippers to knock down the can, no more than that. Once all the players are out of slippers, this would be a major opportunity for the "it" to chase everyone before the can is kicked. The can has to be positioned in a particular area of responsibility.

    10. PALO SEBO
    (Greased Bamboo Climbing)

    2 to 10 or more players

    This game is played by boys during a town fiesta or on special occasions.

    Long and straight bamboo poles are greased and polished to make them smooth and slippery. Before they are set upright, a small bag containing the prize is tied at the end of every pole. It usually contains money or toys.

    The contestants try to climb the poles to secure the prizes. Anyone who fails to reach the top is disqualified. The winner is the one who succeeds in reaching and untying the prize.

    11. Luksong-Tinik
    (Jump over Thorns)

    4 to 8 players
    Outdoors, gymnasium

    The players are divided into two equal teams. Two players are chosen as mothers of the teams. The rest of the players are children. The mothers are supposed to be high jumpers, for the object of the game is for players to able to jump the height of the hands placed one on top of the other without touching them.
    The first to jump will be decided by the mothers, who toss a slipper or wooden shoe. The mother who wins the toss will have the first jump, and the other team players will be the taya (on base).
    Two players on the base will sit facing each other with their right feet touching. The jumpers jump over the feet. Then one hand is placed above the feet with palms and fingers open, then another, and so on until all the fingers are piled one on top of the other. Before an additional hand is placed all the players must have jumped over the file. Oftentimes, the hand of another player is placed at the gap to prevent the jumpers from jumping over it. Sometimes, five hands are used and a fourth player is called upon to fill the file of the hands.
    When the jumpers jump over the hands without touching the hands with any part of their body, or dress, the game is repeated and they will be the jumpers again. If the mother's "children" (rest of the team) touch the hands while jumping over them, its is considered a "fault" (an error), and the mother will jump for them. But if it is the mother who fails, then the team will have to take the place of the team on base.

    There are more on those sites I've listed above, but I don't know some of them plus this introductory post is already long as it is ;D
  2. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Lets plat tag CRV your it........ no tag backs. (>0.0)>
  3. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    4. <- We used to call that ice water tag goes ice then the people that try to save say water to the frozen person etc etc

    8. Americans call it a knapsack what a lame national sport though XD
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    A game we play here is punching random people in the face :) In all seriousness though, as a young earthling here, you'd play tag or punch tag, game is self explanatory, brandy with a tennis ball (I preferred a large rock :)), and also a really fun game, Capture the Flag, where you have two teams, with one half of the playing area, then you would have to run to the other side, being careful not to get tagged, and try to get into the triangle etc. area where people are protecting, to get the flag etc. (we used a cone :p) and then you would have to run back with it to your side to score a point. If you got tagged on an opposition side, you would have to sit down and wait for a member of your team to rescue you. Instead of tagging people though, I used to punch people :)
  5. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Does shot per shot or bloody knuckles count as an outdoor game? (>0.0)>
  6. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    its not 'knapsack' - knapsack is a bag
    its hacky sack or footbag, and it is not a national sport.
  7. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    It might as well be. They have turnaments all over the USA and some in Canada. (>0.0)>
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's hacky sack here. It's not a sport at all, just something fun to do, if you're good at it. I'm unfortunately terrible at it :(
  9. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    Sipa is the Philippines national sport :D which is basically kicking that hacky sack thing
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    you know what i used to play when i was young....water ballon war....we use water filled ballon and throw at each other.....

    ya, we have nothing better to do.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    How about traditional games & toys, any of you know how to play some?

    A funny annecdote, I once tried to walk on bamboo stilts that we called "tiyakad" read as: tea-yah-cod, but because I was a heavy weighter, the damn thing broke & I fell ;D
  12. RegalSpit

    RegalSpit Active Member

    Hmm...Outdoor games, beach cricket! Very fun whacking the ball out to sea and watching your friends swim out to get it ;D
  13. Hyza

    Hyza Active Member

    Hm. I remember playing Virus alot... 1 Person is the Virus to start off with, then you capture other people and then you're goal is to capture the rest of the people who are still alive >:D! I remember those times.. :D