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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by andy_lampard, May 6, 2010.

  1. andy_lampard

    andy_lampard Active Member

    For all people male and female who responded to my last post, rest assured I love my woman, and we have been happily married for nearly three years.... she finds it entertaining when I post debates me and her a in disagreement on because every one who responds helps us prove our point (either way)...... she is whiney, and knows it, and we laugh about it...and the only people who moaned about it on here were..... drumroll...WOMEN!!! note I wasn't directing it at the female of the species but merely girlfriends.... single women and wives are normally ok.... hence ...my WIFE is ok, but was a whiney girlfriend.... OUR NEXT DEBATE ANYWAY.....

    Is it right to cut a childs father out of his life if he beats the mother and is aggressive towards the child? Or does the father really have rights?
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    In regards to the last topic, I was just being funny incase she read the topic :p

    I say it's right to cut the father out if he's like that, I mean my fucked up family could have had a dose of that years ago...still together, hanging by a thread...

    I love making them all suffer...why spend money seperating when you can just torment your evil/stupid/damned parents into insanity?
  3. andy_lampard

    andy_lampard Active Member

    hypnos.... i have the number for a very good doctor if you want, i'll foot the bill lol....
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    NEW DEBATE.....(with myself).......... Im thirsty, coffee or red bull copy? (im aware both dehydrate you)
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

  5. andy_lampard

    andy_lampard Active Member

    its not redbull its a cheap copy, and since i had to wait ive already started drinking it, and started to develop a tick... damn these caffine drinks
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    i will have a coffee too... i too am english... not so proud, though not ashamed either... piss poor effort of a country this one, you wouldn't believe the kinda stuff stored by us...crazee paving
  6. serpentile

    serpentile Active Member

    definetly redbull or anything that is a copy of redbull like dark horse or some shit like that
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Nah, doctors don't like my complaining, knee, back, mental issues...I just tough it out.

    As for the current one, i prefer an apple, i can't stand coffee, and I hate energy drinks.

    I drink cola but I dislike the caffine in it.
  8. andy_lampard

    andy_lampard Active Member

    i suspect zero calorie anything isnt healthy, but milk is full of bromide to keep population down... bet you didnt know that. or believe that for that matter.... my i say that alot.
  9. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    are you saying zero calorie 7 up is more healthy than milk?
  10. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

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  11. andy_lampard

    andy_lampard Active Member

    no im saying most things are more healthy than milk since milk is essentiall poisened with chemicalsd to help control population.... it used to be tea and water but you can taste bromide in them so they put it in milk now instead... pure milk would be healthy
  12. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

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  13. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    well i drink 4 pints of skimmed milk a day (for my training) and im as healthy as anyone
    what is it bromide does?
  14. andy_lampard

    andy_lampard Active Member

    probably not... are u sure its not called zero because of zero sugar content?
    bromide cuts testosterone levels and works as a form of contraceptive ( not fully just partial)
    and if you drink 4 pints a day you'll have quite serious liver problems sneaking up on you.... make up the main protein with fish, not milk... not red meat either.... some milk is fine but too much can cause serious problems
  15. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i do eat fish, lots of it and i doubt i will have liver problems from milk.
    as for the cutting of testosterone and working as a contraceptive, thats a good thing, i dont want any more kids im too old
  16. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

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  17. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    protein is not fat we have been through that already
  18. andy_lampard

    andy_lampard Active Member

    drop it on the zero topic who cares really.... protein doesnt come from fat nor is it fat... it has its own chemical compoumd...did you not goto school, or is that where u should be now (lukong) AND I SAID IT REDUCES THE TESTOSTERONE LEVEL ie LESS MANLY.
  19. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    lukong did you read the replies here:
  20. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

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