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Our Masks, or - a curiosity of the many personalities of a single person.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by 9NineBreaker9, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Recently, I've done some soul searching, and discovered I had none. </jokes>

    Actually, this has been inspired by a lot of my reactions of people, myself included, over the past few years of my life, and now with looking at the lyrics for various Radiohead songs (they sound so happy, but they're so sinister... it's kind of CREEPy [There is no escaping from PUNS!]), and the question is this:

    Why our masks?

    Let me explain - people aren't always as they appear to be. It seems that, even in just the few people I know, they change quickly based on their situation, their surroundings, and their current company. My friend, easily called an "emo" by most people, is typically very quiet at school, but on driving me to school, he's talkative and we enjoy listening to random bands. However, this quickly dies and he soon becomes a much more comical, self-depreciating person amongst our groups of peers.

    At home, he changes yet again, but also dependent on if his parents are in the vicinity. Needless to say, he's abiding and abrasively polite in their presence, but certainly unloving and caring elsewhere.

    And it's not just him - it seems like everyone does this, and, while it's something that most people realize in prolonged exposure to people notice, it's something I find perplexing, even as myself practice this to a hilarious and disturbing extent.

    What are these masks we don?
    Why do we feel the need to create different personalities or attributes in certain places?
    Why do we feel the need to do this?
    What is the real person, or IS there even a "real person?
    Can we ever remove these masks?

    So, I ask you - what do you feel is the reason people in general put on different personas, why do we feel the need to do this, and can we ever stop? Do we even have a "real" personality, or someone that doesn't wear any mask of an "alternate" personality, or is the "real" person just a collection of masks each fitted for the current situation?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    peer pressure to fit in with a group.
  3. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    - Masks are facets of our personas based on experience with the company in question.
    - Because it's socially acceptable, and some would argue necessary to mental wellbeing, to do so.
    - Peer pressure, mostly. You hide traits you think are unacceptable in the company of whichever people you are with.
    - The real person is every facet of our personalities being open to observation simultaneously.
    - Sure. The real question is, would we?
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Wow, 9ninebreaker9, your friend sounds a little too much like me, it's scary :(

    But have changed since-at work, I'm a hard working, energetic well mannered person...

    But at home, well it's like how you said about your friend at school....

    It's because I am a high energy person-I give everything I have to work, but once it'sover, and something is bothering me, I get down...

    Some days, I'm...a little violent, and around people I known for years, thry see me as a downer, and as such never seen me working...

    They would instantly see my "mask"...

    Well, for the debate, we use these mask to hideour flaws, to be socially accepted, or sometimes because the enviroment around us is uncomfortable and makes change (but can you call being uncomfortable a mask?)

    If anyone ever knew me for what I really am, you would see how many times I change mask, from site to site, from workplace to home, and from mate to mate, they will see a slightly different variation of myself, simply because I have still to learn how to socialise properly, I get along with kids half my age rather than people my own, and yet I can't even relate to my brother, who is half my age...

    Happy/emo/uncaring/depressant/weirdo are the tags that other's have given me...it all depends on where I am and what I'm doing...
  5. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    I really only think I have 3 "masks"

    1- What I consider the usual, I'm random, uncaring, go-with-the-flow, laid back, easily amused, etc.
    2- This is an obvious mask, something I do on purpose when intimidated, Afaik everyone has this harder more aggresive side.
    3- When in certain situations I feel the need to "get things done", generally all hacks/movies/pics I make are during this time.

    I suppose these aren't the answers you were looking for, but thats what I consider my "masks" in a nutshell (there are millions really, but the ones not above just seem to be moods and such)
  6. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    People wear masks for different reasons. They could be hiding and shunning their childhood memories, develop feelings and emotions to disassociate themselves to someone or something or to fit in.

    I have some "masks".

    1- I developed a unique personna based on hate and deception so people don't ask me too many questions.
    2- I lie a lot to hide or shun my history.
    3- Keep my mouth shut for the whole day unless I find it necessary to speak.