"Very great quality. Mounted in Daemon Tools Lite, ran ePSXe and music works. Really ace. Everywhere else is bad, and do not bother with the hustler, it is just corrupted. Big question, I remember in first person view, you would see the steering wheel and hand. Was this only in the first V8 or I have gotta do something to the gfx plugin ? Thanks much. Yes, worth it, spend your points here. Pummels all Twisted Metal, really ace vehicular combat." I've done every change I can to comment Vigilante 8 2nd Offense. But nooo. That damn thing is really sensitive man, tell it to lay off a little.
What? Please read your topic and think "does this make sense?" I'm not even sure whether it should be in Site Support or not.
What is your problem? Who are you quoting in your first post? Are you looking for help? Are you just rambling? You do not make it clear, at all, what it is you are after.
The problem is you posted in the "Site Support" forum. Under the "Help" forum group. People who post in the Help forums are usually asking for help in some form. Trying to read your post as a "Help" topic is confusing at best.
Dude. Do you guys even bother posting comments on games ? The "chat language" talk limiter. It is way harsh. All that I typed, was not acceptable by it. Tis all.
Did you try clicking the "Skip quality check" box at the bottom? We do understand that it can be a bit harsh so we put that there.
I haven't seen a "Skip quality check" box. I know I have to rate Positive Neutral or Negative..I did that for sure
It should be right below the positive/negative/neutral box. If it's not showing for you, then I'm not sure what to say since I see it there myself.