This new Law forces immigrants to carry papers saying they are naturalized and allows local law enforment to arrest them if they do not have papers. It also makes it a crime for illigals to be here and gives basis to deport them.
My personal opinion is that this is very good for the U.S. By deporting the hundreds of thousands of immigrants just from Arizona would allow for job spaces to open up and the economy to improve. But thats just me.
Depends on perspective. From my point of view, it contributes for racism and another forms of discrimination, since you're "selecting" naturalized people apart from native ones. Which is bullshit. The matter of being immigrant or not doesn't make someone less human or less capable than other.
But the illegals are a drain on the economy since they don't pay taxes and send all the money they do make to Mexico.
Actually, my matter was on naturalized immigrants vs native people, not legal immigrants vs illegal immigrants.
I woudn't trust "ordered polls". They only interview a couple dozen of people and then use statistic mathematics to figure out the rest.
well how would you feel paying alot of money to come to the U.S. then staying for 10 years then naturalizing. Then a bunch of illegals come over free for what you worked so hard to achieve. They dont pay taxes or nothing.
It also allows police to dtain people if they have "reasonable suspicion" of them being there illegaly. The problem with this is the grounds on which people will be stopped by the police (how does an illegal immigrant recently over the border look different from someone whom has crossed legally and been patriated?). Pretty sure that being an "illegal immigrant" means that you are already illegal; the key word being "illegal". They could already be deported if found to be in America illegally before this law was passed. The vague guidelines that mean that police are allowed to stop and question anyone on the basis that they "look illegal" is open to abuse. Apparently, police will be allowed to arrest anyone who isn't carrying papers with them to prove that they are in the country legally; this would force all legal immigrants to have to carry papers with them everywhere or risk being arrested. It's pretty obvious that this is going to lead to arrests of Hispanic people on the basis of the colour of their skin (and given the high number of legal immigrants in Arizona; it's only a matter of time before people start having mass protests - although I'm aware of some reasonably small ones that have taken place already).
I'm worried about how a police officer would determine if a person is probably an illegal immigrant or not. An accent? Not speaking English as fluent as yourself? Just having tan skin? I would think newly arrived immigrants who came here legally would have an accent too, you know. Also, the idea of having to bring your papers everywhere you go...
Is it true that only reason why immigrants are taking over jobs in the US than being given to US citizens is because most americans are not as hardworking and wouldn't accept conditions that immigrants do? Its like in Saudi Arabia, the people there are so rich that they dont work and just hire foreign workers do all the jobs there.
That could be one of them' reasons. Well so much for the idea, but how it will prove itself in reality is another different story.
Obviously the current deporting methods are very flawed, something needs to be done but this seems a little over the top IMO.
Well, Illegal Immigration is pretty touchy, i haven't personally seen any real negative impact on our country so im unsure how i feel about Arizona's law. It does feel a bit like an SS soldier walking around asking to see your papers to make sure you aren't a jew. Although, Mexico has had a law in place for years already that will land you in a Mexican prison for 3 years if you are illegally there. It is a felony. Why so angry about one of our states doing the same? I've seen several articles on the process of becoming a citizen of the USA and its pretty pathetic. The people our government hires as employees seem to be the most incapable stupid individuals ever. It costs way too much money and there is a very good chance one of the people handling your case will screw up, severely slowing the process down and potentially wasting a lot of your money. And with the recent protests the Mexican community have been demonstrating about causing a revolution in this country only fuels my hatred for the Mexican community.
I can see how that must upset you. They get it from the French; if the response to 9/11 had been to invade France instead of those Arab countries, then the Mexicans wouldn't have the nerve to arm themselves and march upon Washington. If things continue at this rate, it won't be long before the rag-tag forces that they've assembled gain the influence that they aspire to achieve in the White House and begin to push harder the propaganda campaign against the southern states : /[size=1pt]* None of this is true, do not begin arming yourselves and fighting Mexicans This insightful piece of literature should offer some food for thought.
After hearing from a first-hand account about how bad the immigration problem is and how desperate people are to get over here, I am for the law. It is better to have people deported rather than have them bringing drugs and other contraband into this country. There are actually Al-Qeada operatives that are trying to get from Mexico to the US because it's so easy to just walk across the desert. There was also an Arizona rancher that was allowing Mexican drug traffickers to use his land to smuggle narcotics over the border. The Mexican drug lords actually had him killed for knowing too much or for just no reason. There has to be something done. This is the first step.