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opinions on kingdom hearts order

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Lephantome92, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    what ive found a typical consensus-
    birth by sleep
    kingdom hearts
    re: chain of memories/ 358/2 days
    kingdom hearts 2

    so, opinions- spot on, different order, ive also seen
    kingdom hearts
    chain of memories (also, is ps2 or gba better for this one?)
    kingdom hearts 2
    kingdom hearts 358/2 days
    birth by sleep
    re:coded (ive played it once, but should i rly play it again?)

    oh, and if theres an emulator, id need to do bbs on my comp; no psp

    so, which one keeps the storyline better?
  2. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I dont like KH.
  3. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Your post is amazingly on topic.

    And I can't be bothered to keep track of the story, since it's so jumbled and retcon prone. I've played only a few of the KH games, and mostly out of order.
  4. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    kingdom hearts 2
    358/2 days
    kingdom hearts
    re: chain of memories
    birth by sleep
    word of god
  5. dsdfdsfs

    dsdfdsfs New Member

    d I can't be bothered to keep track of the story, since it's so jumbled and retcon prone. I've played only a few of the KH games, and mostly out of order.

  6. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Well it did say 'opinion'
  7. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    yay for taking something out of context. *rolls eyes* i asked for opinions on the order of the games, not just opinions of the games themselves
  8. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I was saying that I can't for that because I dont like the games.


  9. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    is that an inflated watermelon?damn gotta get some of that
  10. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I'm a watermelon.
  11. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    You got me there. I would love to cut you up