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Only half my games work.

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Glyton, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. Glyton

    Glyton Member

    Half my roms are not working others give me an error (load rom errcode=-1)

    My flashcart is the R4i Upgrade Revolution - Supports up to v1.4.1 (Red box) - http://r4i-sdhc.com/

    Things I have tried:

    -Update to the latest kernel (v1.30b) - from http://r4i-sdhc.com/
    -Defrag the SD Card
    -Format the SD Card
    -Try alternate ROMS

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member

    Could you tell us what games aren't working?
  3. Glyton

    Glyton Member

    Its really random - not to do with the release date or anything. The games don't have AP or anything like that
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    did you try using ysmenu as second firmware?
  5. n0ne

    n0ne Member

    thats my exact same flashcart. i once had that problem. what i did was... NOT update (as in.. overwriting old files with new ones), but actually start from scratch, erase all your menu files, and then install your new 1.30b kernel files. hope that helps. oh a format with the panasonic tool
  6. Glyton

    Glyton Member

    I tried that... Something odd happened...

    Some games worked perfectly - the ones that previously didn't.

    Other games that had been working stopped and gave me the same problem...

    I tried TTMenu with the same result. No error this time, but the game loads for an infinite amount of time

    Also, I don't think the firmware is reading the .nds file at all. My reasons for this are:

    -No icon appears for the game
    -No cheats available for game
    -Firmware claims that there is no multiplayer when the game actually does.
  7. n0ne

    n0ne Member

    hmm.. idk i remember cleaning my mSD card manually then q. formatting then f. formatting then started from scratch. btw 1.31b is out.
  8. Glyton

    Glyton Member

    When you formatted it, did you have erase ON or OFF?

    I heard that having erase ON not only takes more time, but reduces the life of your SD card by a lot.
  9. n0ne

    n0ne Member

  10. Glyton

    Glyton Member

    I tried everything. Started from scratch, tried different ROMS, everything!

    Its like my SD card has a mind of its own - every time I format my card different games will work and fail!

    So frustrating!
  11. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    So even the games without A.P bring up an error. Looks like you should think about a new flashcart
  12. Glyton

    Glyton Member

    Sounds like that. Anything else I should try before I go and purchase a new one?
  13. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    maybe your micro sd is fake

    try it with another one