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Only 10 days to go before the Philippines' First Automated Elections!

Discussion in 'General News' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Apr 30, 2010.

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  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I, damanali & Kamage are probably the only ones who'll post on here seeing most of the other active Filipino forumites here on RomUlation are under-aged &/or are of voting age but are citizens (born from) of other countries like hYpNoS.

    Anyway.... yeah, this IS our country's first National elections where the electoral process will be done using automated vote counting machines which will make things faster as opposed to doing things manually (individually counting ballots) which is not only very time consuming (with the results being made public weeks after the actual elections) but is very much prone to vote mis-count due to cheating (switching legit ballot boxes with one full of a particularly corrupt Politician's votes).

    There have been cases where the people who are in charge of delivering ballot boxes to the regional counting board were gunned down by militia or Private Armies (of corrupt Politicians) so as to cause a mis count.

    The corruption here is so bad, that even the Administration resorted to cheating, as was the case during the last elections where that midget bitch who's currently our country's President admitted she cheated to win. And with that admittance she even had the gall to not step down & pay for her crimes :p

    I tell you, this country's going downhill because of corrupt people like these :(

    The automated elections come the 10th of May is bringing hope that we'll finally get a "clean & honest" elections this time around. But still, you can't help being a little skeptical seeing the electoral process will now pass through a main database, meaning it'd be even more easier to cheat. And with a lot of people here easily bought by money, who can say if the machinations of greed & corruption will not do something to make things go in favor of the chronically corrupt?

    And LOL!

    If American only have to choose between a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich (South Park reference), here we are choosing between a lot of 'em.
  2. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I may not vote for a special reason, but well, everybody is forcing me to do it, so, maybe even though i'm under gun threat, i'll try and vote.

    i would like to try this new system, the moment i say that they will cheat using the new method, is the moment i stop believing on a system of government. If we, Filipinos think that the new method will not work and result to a failure of election, pls, if we dont try it, we wont know if it will work. Failure of election, is a fear in it self...it promotes distrust, thus preventing people to vote cause they already presume it wont work.

    I would like to quote my professor, "I would rather vote for a person that i know that will lose than win. At least I wont be judge that i voted a fail for a president because the majority is voting for him. If he became a good, effective and just leader, then for all means, thanks, i dont regret anything because he turned out fine and its for the welfare of the nation. If he became worse than his/her predecessor, then i wont be judge that i became part of the crowd that put him in that position and power."
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    That is very interesting.

    I didn't know that the Philippine government was so corrupt. :\

    I know that back in the past, some governor's elections were setup so that the governor's cronies would threaten people to vote for their employer (ie - Boss Tweed).

    My step-grandma is from the Phillipines, but she never talks about it (or to anyone really...).

    I'm glad that there is an automated system now. I just hope that it somehow won't be abused or exploited for you guys. =\
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    problem is, voting machines are just as easy to 'fix', the US is a prime example of that (I'm not aware of any widespread fraud taking place at obama's election, but certainly previous ones).

    britain still uses paper ballots and a lot of people counting them.
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I don't remember any fraud really from my time. The only elections that I remember are the Bush and Obama elections as I didn't have an interest in politics till a few years ago.

    But in the Bush/Gore elections, I remember Florida was a hell-hole and they did multiple recounts.

    That's when the nation decided to go paperless I think. =\
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens


    Our Government started being corrupt since the late 60's with one of the most corrupt Presidents the world has ever known, Ferdinand Marcos. Then on 1986, his Dictatorship Regime fell but the poison of corruption lingered & most Politicians we have still harbor the ideals of running for public office just to get rich. Only a very few do run to serve the public & the worse thing is, they don't get the chance to be recognized because the more "traditional" (corrupt) ones headline the news more than they do.

    Another "bad" direction Politics is going here is the fact that, most of the people who run for public office are not "average Joes", most of them are Celebrities (actors/actresses/Sports personalities) or are members of a Political Dynasty, that is, their family's line of work are as Politicians. The later are the worst kind of Politicians here in my opinion, as people like these are not afraid to kill just to get what they want.

    And truth be told, even if it's now just 9 days before the elections, we still get news of Political dynasties killing each other (& their supporters) to secure their victory on the polls.
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    That is probably one of the worst cases of political corruption that I have ever heard of.
    It's weird how one man can have an impact that still remains there today, even if it was less than 50 years ago.
    I think that the Philippines needs a political over-haul to be honest with you, more than other places that I hear about.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    UK needs a political overhaul, and the way things are going, we might just get one. We can hope. election is on thursday.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @ace101: The Government planned to change the form of Governance from a Democratic form to a Parliamentary but it was not widely accepted by the populace as it was revealed that the move was made for two "selfish" reasons:

    1. To make that midget Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo our country's Prime Minister.

    2. To put a stop on People Power Revolution, which is something most of us do not appreciate at all.

    @loony: Here's wishing your country's elections the best of luck.
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