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on POKEMON PEARL where can i get staff to regain pp.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by J A C O B, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. J A C O B

    J A C O B Well-Known Member

    the title basicly says it all
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You should be able to buy them in marts.
  3. J A C O B

    J A C O B Well-Known Member

    none of the pokemarts sell them
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    They should do. What part are you up to?
  5. J A C O B

    J A C O B Well-Known Member

    just before the pokemon leage
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Oops my bad, you can't actually buy them in marts as far as I know, haven't played it for a while. You can buy some from this herbal shop in some town but it affects your pokemon's friendship. Forgot where it is.
  7. J A C O B

    J A C O B Well-Known Member

    Does anyone now what town this is in
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure it's in Eterna City.
  9. J A C O B

    J A C O B Well-Known Member

    The herb shops it that city but they dont sell ethers :-[
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The name's not ether, look in the description for the items, there should be one that restores your PP.
  11. J A C O B

    J A C O B Well-Known Member

    I tried that to but theres nothing
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Just dowse for ethers or something, or go on gamefaqs and look for some walkthroughs to get heaps of ethers. Sorry can't help, my friend has my Pokemon Diamond.
  13. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Elixir Recovers 10 PP for all *Dowsing
    (PIIPII EIDAA) moves. *Iron Island
    *Lost Cave
    *Rt. 212
    *Team Galaxy HQ.
    *Pickup (61-80).

    Ether Revovers 10 PP for one *Dowsing
    (PIIPII EIDO) move. *Pickup (31-50)
    *Eterna Forest
    *Rt. 215
    *Mt. Coronet(south)
    *Rt. 220.

    Max Elixir Recovers all PP of all *Dowsing
    (PIIPII MAKKUSU) moves. *Valley Windworks
    (Dowsing, right side of
    the windmill behind the
    fence - you will need
    *Mt. Coronet (North)
    *Pickup (91-100).

    Max Ether Recovers all PP of one *Dowsing.
    (PIIPII RIKABAA) move. *Victory Road (Second
    floor, north).
  14. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    hahahahahahahahahah am I the only one that noticed that "stuff" is spelled wrong. PS I dont think you can by them... sorry.
  15. J A C O B

    J A C O B Well-Known Member

    oops my bad iv already got past the part were i ne