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Old R4 Can it be used for newer games ??

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by sullivan12, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    I have one of these in a NDS


    It's been in for a couple of years with some games on a 2gig micro sd card that are working ok

    I tried 3 new games on a new 2 gig micro sd card that i had put the wood firmware on it (i am not techy minded so might have got it wrong)

    When i put the new sd card into the R4 cart then into the NDS it gets to the "loading" screen then thats it it just sits their

    What have i done wrong ?? or is the R4 to old for new games ?? if it is what would you recomend for newer games and would it still run the old games i got on the

    other sd card

    thanks sullivan 12
  2. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    That looks like an R4 Original. Since its old see if its damaged, and check if that memory card still works by plugging it into a computer.
    If it does get the latest Wood R4 Version.

    Get Wood R4 v 1.62 and Get more usefull Info from Here
  3. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    Thanks for the reply Dark Infernape

    If i had to buy a new flash cart what would you ( or anybody else) recomend for the newer games ??

    thanks sullivan12
  4. dutchcrusade

    dutchcrusade New Member

    The R4i GOLD and R4iDSN are good carts. They are made by the same company, but I think the R4iDSN is cheaper.
    They also work on a 3DS, so if you have one or are planning to buy one these would probably be the best choices.
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    If you get a just loading screen, that's either firmware reading issue in since it may have corrupted firmware files, are bad pin connection, if bad pin connection then try cleaning R4 back pins/contacks with cotton bud and micro SD card to.

    Are Backup games and saves, format micro SD card, and replace firmware from start.

    Are here is My YSMenu build for R4 the original revolution only.

    YSMenu R4 v6334.rar DL: https://mega.co.nz/#!AAIUgDSK!JlPwb4dfFOiyy7cuy0opr6gEzPNNcue0HSoYoiaT5cc

    Place files inside Rar onto formated Micro SD card.

    (Note) Woodr4 not had update for some time now.

    Hope any of this may help
  6. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    Jhon 591 thanks for the reply
    It is just a loading screen that i get.... the micro sd card is a new one ....

    i have another sd card with games on that have been on for a couple of years and they play ok with the R4 cart its the new games that have the problem ??

    Have downloaded the "YSMenu R4 v6334 " do i just need that on the Micro SD card or do i need the "Wood R4 v1.62" as well as

    regards sullivan12
    Post Merge: [time]1395681628[/time]
    Thanks for the reply it's appreciated might buy the The R4i GOLD as i wont be getting a 3DS

    regards sullivan12
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I see what you have many done here, are you using a Micro SD card bigger then 2GB in size ?, The R4 original will only support a Micro SD card up to 2GB, but also make sure its "not sdhc" type of micro SD card.

    So any think bigger then 2GB , Like 4GB SDHC + will not work

    As you mentioned works on one card and not the other .

    Yes it just put the firmware files onto a formated micro SD card.
  8. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    It is a ordinary 2gb micro sd card not a SDHC card

    i will put the "YSMenu R4 v6334 " on it and put a game on it and see if it will work and let you know if its ok or not but it might be in a couple of days before i get to do it

    regards sullivan12
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Since I can't see the image you posted I can't be sure what your cart is; it's not because of you. It's a problem on my side. My country's server blocks sites that contains viral images or video. Uploadhouse.com probably hosted some of such contents, thus it's blocked by the censor bureau in my country. I can't do anything to overcome this blockage.

    In any case, judging from what I've read so far. The games not loading has to do with your cart's firmware being obsolete. If your cart is one that couldn't run SDHC SD MICRO Cards (any card above 2GB size), then yes, it's an R4 Original. The bright side to it is you can choose to use either or both WOOD R4 for R4 Original and/or YSMENU for R4 Original. And yes, do try Jhon591's file if your cart is an R4 Original. If otherwise, then try using RetroGameFan's YSMENU for R4 SDHC_R4 Clone, but do update the ".dat" files (namely extinfo.dat, infolib.dat, and savlib.dat) found in the TTMENU folder using Jhon591's copy.
  10. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    I formated the 2 gig sd micro card and put Jhon591 file on it ....then put two games into the games folder on the micro sd card and put it into the DS

    All i got was the "loading" screen nothing else.... should i be doing something else .... or do i need anything else besides what i put on the sd card....

    As i have mentioned in post 5 i have another sd card with games on that have been on for a couple of years and they play ok with the R4 cart its the new games that have the problem ??

    Thanks for all the replies so far they have been really appreciated

    regards sullivan 12
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    He saying copy the files from the SD card that is working, to the new reformatted SD card that you are having the freezing issue with, Testing if they is a difference in the firmwares, If you have no issues with the firmware on your other older card to the new, then you may have a clone r4 that only work with that Pacific firmware and no other.

    Games cannot cause this issue.

    Sorry that the ysmenu firmware did not work, but dose work on my Original R4, so possible clone you may have, although these clone's can look very very smilier to the original.
  12. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    I will try and explain this problem a bit better if i can

    I have one R4 cart but have 2 micro sd 2 gig cards one card has had some games on for a long time and it works ok in the R4 cart

    The other sd card which is a new one just gets to "loading" and no further

    I have copied the firmware from the older card to the new one and put just the new games on and it still only gets to the "loading" and no further

    I have tried the "YSMenu R4 v6334 "and it only gets to "loading" and tried the Wood R4 1.62 and it only gets to "loading"

    Have to admit i am a bit long in the tooth and not techy minded so maybe i am doing something wrong at this end not sure

    regards sullivan12
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Out of ideas, apart from that one micro SD some think is wrong with.

    Just walking on

  14. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    I got the new games to load on the DS but they wont open ??

    When the games load they show in the top screen with the directory in the bottom screen as normal but when i highlite a game it dosent show in the directory at the bottom

    so it dosen't open also their is some flashing on the screens anybody any ideas as to what this problem might be

    regards sullivan12
  15. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    Just a update this is what i got on the micro sd card

    _system_ File folder

    Games File folder

    moonshl File folder


    _DS_MENU Configuration settings

    _DS_MENU.SYS System file


    Is this what i should have or do i need something else ??

    regards sullivan12
  16. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    Ok lets try this One Last Time.

    1. Backup everything on your SD card.
    2. Download and Install this Software on your Computer: SD Formatter 4.0
    3. Open up the software and Format the SD card with it.
    4. Download this file, extract it and copy paste everything to the root of your SD Card: Wood R4 1.62
    5. See if it works, If it doesn't, your SD card is most probably damaged.
  17. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    Thanks Dark Infernape

    I Will give it a try and hope it works if not will get another micro sd card and try that

    regards sullivan12
  18. flashmozzg

    flashmozzg Active Member

    I have old R4 original and with latest wood I can run all games I want just fine. (I'm using old ds though, so if you are using dsi with ne firmware it won't work).
  19. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    It's a old DS with R4 Original but as Dark Infernape says it might be the sd card that is damaged (even thought it is a new one)
  20. sullivan12

    sullivan12 Member

    Done what Dark Infernape recomended and it still won't work all i get is "Loading"

    So as Dark Infernape has said it could be the SD card that is damaged so will got another one and give that a try and hope it works