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[Old?] PSP Hacking Guide

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by mikeac, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    I haven't been 'in the scene' for a very long time. This guide may still apply, but I'm not sure.

    This guide is for hacking the PSP. It is not for hacking your DS, Wii, Computers, a microwave oven, or a mousetrap. If you don't understand my lingo, check the vocabulary section. This is a universal PSP hack guide, that means all PSP's are hackable in some way. Please note that full CFW for PHA/UHA PSPs is possible, but the kernel exploit will not be released for now.

    5.03 GEN-C has been released, currently supporting nearly all UMDs/ISOs, and demos until 12/15/09, and possibly any currently supports a few new games that require 6.20. GEN-C does not have Sedna support. GEN-C has an automatic sedna-like patch that does not let you shut down your PSP, unless you use the vsh menu via select on the XMB. It allows sleep mode only. I would not shut down your PSP using VSH menu multiple unless you want to risk the ultimate destruction of the PSP. This is only for PHA PSPs less than or equal to 5.03 OFW.

    5.50 GEN-D3 can be installed in multiple different ways (through XGEN Pandora, direct update, etc.). It also supports many game up to 12/15/09 and possibly some new games that require 6.20 firmware. I recommend to install it from 5.00M33v6, to prevent bricking. Note that this has an even higher chance of bricking your PSP than GEN/HEN firmware. This is only for CHA PSPs less than or equal to 5.03 firmware, but if you have a higher firmware, you can downgrade.

    You can downgrade DIRECTLY to M33 or 5.00 firmware with the use of a magic memory stick. This is only for people with CHA PSPs above 5.03 firmware. This is probably one of the riskiest moves you will ever take, since this requires the PSP to be in service mode (aka Pandora battery).

    There are several new CFWs and HENs out, they are listed at the bottom just in case you want to try them if you're PSP is not compatible with 5.50 GEN-D3 or 5.03 GEN-C.


    Prometheus CFW automatically patches games to work, but removes compatibility with some older games (ETA before January 2010). It works better with newer games and UMDs. There are versions ONLY for 5.50 GEN-D3 and 5.03 GEN-C, each different.

    You can use a Patapon 2 demo exploit to run homebrew on any PSP. Homebrew only for now, no questions.

    PSP - PlayStation Portable
    Phat - The first generation of the PSP (100x, X is the region id); Chunky and matte paint, with umd drive with latch (All CHA)
    Slim - The second Generation of the PSP(200x); Home Button says home and is a semicircle, a lot lighter (One edition PHA)
    Brite - The third generation of the PSP(300x); Home button is the Playstation insignia and is round, brighter paint, slightly lighter (All PHA)
    Go - The fourth generation of the PSP(N100x); Slide Open, much smaller, no UMD, many other features (UHA)
    firmware - Sort of like the internal OS on which a system runs
    OFW - Official FirmWare
    CFW - Custom (unofficial) FirmWare
    Downgrade - Installing Firmware lower than the current firmware, impossible without a service mode battery and MMS
    Signed - homebrew able to run w/out any form of CFW
    vsh - A menu in which you press Select to choose features; integrated into the XMB
    CHA - Completely HackAble (All PSP 1000s, non-TA-088v3 PSP 2000s) (CFW capable)
    PHA - Partially HackAble (TA-088v3 PSP 2000s and PSP 3000s) works with HEN (+ CFWE, GEN-C, etc.)
    UHA - UnHackAble (PSPGo, PHA PSPs above 5.50 OFW) If you have one of these, go to the eLoader section at the bottom.
    eLoader - EBOOT loader (homebrew loader)
    homebrew- a game developed to run on unofficial firmware
    XMB - XrossMediaBar; the main menu of the PSP
    HEN - Homebrew ENabler; Used to run homebrew on a kernel exploit level
    CFWE - Custom FirmWare Enabler; Installed after HEN, improves compatibility
    LCFW - Light CFW, a fully functional HEN with ISO loading compatibility
    MMS - magic Memory Stick; Memory Stick Duo with the power to downgrade PSPs
    Pandora Battery - AKA Service Mode Battery; allows alteration of the flash of CHA PSPs
    exploit - a fault used in firmware, hardware, or software that allows unsigned content to run
    user mode - type of exploit that supports homebrew, but not alteration of flash (installing CFW/HEN)
    kernel mode - type of exploit that allows large homebrew to be run and alteration of the flash
    flash - referring to flash memory, such as the flash0 that holds the firmware in the PSP
    decrypt - usually referring to decrypting ISOs to be playable on the PSP

    Requirements for Custom firmware:
    PSP 300X or PSP-200X TA-088v3 5.03 or less OFW (PHA PSPs -- 5.03 GEN-C) OR
    PSP 100X or 200X non-TA-088v3 (CHA PSPs -- 5.50 GEN-D3, downgrade guide for people above 5.03) OR
    Any PSP (HEN, LCFW, HBL, etc.)
    Memory Stick Duo backed up and freshly formatted
    PSP with system settings defaulted
    USB-mini cable or MS Duo Card Reader
    Patience (up to 45 minutes free time)

    Skyline969's 5.03 GEN-C Installer (PHA PSPs)
    SkyLine969's 5.50 GEN-D3 Installer (CHA PSPs)
    HellCat's Recovery Flasher 1.60 w/5.50 GEN-D3 Pack (CHA PSPs)

    The GEN-C installer includes MHUSpeed v3, the 5.03 OFW Updater, Ultimate VSH Menu (with recovery), PSPident, CXMB, and 5.03 GEN-C. I did not create the installer, SkyLine969 did, and he did not make the software included in the software. No one but yourself is responsible for your PSP if it is damaged in any way by these softwares. I hope you are considering the risk of messing up your PSP in this guide. The GEN-D3 Installer includes all of that above, minus GEN-C, but with Hellcat's Recovery Flasher, 500.PBP, 550.PBP and GEN-D3.

    Pre-Installation Information:
    Before install, make sure to go to system settings, and click restore to default. Go through the prompts. Now, when you are finished, go to system settings, and turn UMD Cache and UMD Auto start off. Back up all data on your Memory stick and FORMAT IT ON THE PSP (System Info>Format Memory stick). This is required to make it run properly. There is also a risk in bricking your PSP if you choose to repeatedly flash your PSP with CFW multiple times, or any other method that touches the flash memory. This guide requires some technical experience, and is not recommended for those who get confused during this guide. Oh yeah, and it isn't my fault if Sony is on your @$$ after installation. I did not create any of this software, kudos to the creators. I recommend this for homebrew use only, that means I discourage pirating (even though I still do it).


    Install GEN Firmware
    Standard Installation Instructions for Both Installers
    Plug in your MS Duo using the USB Mini Cable that came with your PSP or remove it and place it in a card reader.
    Download, and run the version for your specific psp model.
    Click Next, then read the legal crap, then click I Agree.
    Select the Drive in which the PSP memory stick is, and click Next.
    When it is done, click finish, turn off USB mode or remove your Memory Stick out of your PC into your PSP.
    (If your computer gives you an error that it didn't install properly, ignore it.
    (*If you already have 5.03 OFW installed, skip this step, and delete the update off your PSP.)
    *Go to game, memory stick, then select the 5.03 update. Let it run.
    *Delete the update off your PSP. This is mandatory for those using 5.50GEN-D3

    Go your Picture section>Memory, and let the thumbnails load. Then go into the mhuspeed3 folder, make sure to press no other button afterwards, and your PSP should reboot into MHUSpeed. If it doesn't work, and just freezes and shuts down, reboot and try again. Check the firmware in system settings, and it should say 5.03 MHUSpeed v3 or something similar, if not, keep trying. MHUSpeed either works, or it doesn't, and has little to no chance of a brick. Remember, it's a hit or miss.

    If you want to make sure you have the right PSP, use PSPident in MHUSpeed by going into the games section of your PSP. If you have a PSP motherboard that is listed in red, continue to read my guide. If your PSP's mother board is listed in green, read the rest of my guide OR hYpNoS's guide on installing 5.00M33v6. The newest PSP300X and the PSPGo are unknown to PSPident I think.


    5.03 GEN-C Installation (PHA PSPs)
    Then go to the Game>Mem stick section, and select INSTALLER-LOADER, then press L/R when directed to. ONLY PRESS IT ONCE. Press O to exit. Do not turn off your PSP at any time in this menu, you will probably brick.

    After this, DO NOT TURN OFF YOUR PSP through the vsh menu (select), or else you will have to reflash the PSP again.

    Now you're finally done! Add some homebrew on your PSP and have fun! Adding a game.txt in the seplugins folder can help playing incompatible games.

    5.50 Gen-D3 Installation (CHA PSPs)

    Now this is a bit harder than installing GEN-C.
    Now, there is a new version of HellCat's Recovery Flasher that allows straight installation of 5.50 GEN-D3. Delete the 550GEND3 folder from PSP/GAME, and 500.PBP from the root of the memory stick. Download ONLY the firmware pack from pspslimhacks and put the corresponding .rfp file in the root of your memory stick. Make sure 550.PBP is in your root also.

    Go into Games, and run HellCat's recovery flasher. Agree to it and you should get a menu like below. (Sorry hYpNoS for ripping your picture)
    Lauch HellCat's Recovery Flasher from the XMB. On the first option, where you can cycle the firmware to be installed, press "X" until it reads "load from external FW pack", then from the now shown list, choose the Firmware Pack that you want to install. Then, select install CFW. Now, don't turn it off until it's finished, and when it is finished, TURN IT OFF BY PRESSING X, do not EVER EVER touch the power switch or the battery EVER during all this. After this is done, you have 5.50 GEN-D3 CFW.

    Downgrade Guide
    PSP Grader v008
    Pandora Battery
    Formatted and backed up Memory Stick w/ 40MB+ free
    Completely hackable PSP

    Create or buy your Pandora battery. The battery has to be below 2000MaH and Sony brand, or TOOL brand if you bought it. Test it before you use it, you have to put it in your PSP with no Memory Stick in. It should boot up with no display automatically. If not, you bought a fake Pandora or messed up making it. Also, create or buy your magic memory stick. I'd take EXTREME caution doing this.

    How to create a Pandora Battery:
    (skip if you want to buy it or already have one)

    Requires another PSP with CFW that says "Creates pandora" in the hackable PSP list up above. .
    Insert the normal battery in the CFW PSP. Press select, and press Make Pandora. Now test your battery. When you are finished, you can always make it normal again, through the vsh menu.

    Requires a knife, a pencil (for PSP-S110 1200mAh(slim type) batteries), knowledge of the risk of blowing your hand off, or the battery never working again if you damage the cell or short the pins. I also recommend a magnifying glass, and a solder sucker and solder gun.
    Slim Battery (non-S110):
    ^Pry or cut open the battery, fold out the circuit, and CAREFULLY pry the pin up or off, or you can desolder it if you wish. I'd be careful not to touch the other pins. You MIGHT be able to resolder/push it back on if you are careful.
    Slim battery (S110):
    ^Pry/cut the battery open, fold out the circuitboard, and cut where it says to cut using an exacto knife. You can always use a circuit pen or graphite pencil to unhack it by relinking the two circuits.
    Phat Batteries:
    ^This is one of the versions of a phat battery, don't do anything until you confirm the version. Pry/cut it open, and find the ICO4 or CO4 label. Pry up the pin where is says 4, or wherever it is in the picture (the picture is the battery rotated clockwise 90 degrees-ish). You can also soldersuck the place where it tells you to to prevent shorting out the battery. Resolder it when you'e done, and when you are done with the battery you MAY be able to resolder/push it back on.
    ^This is the second version of the phat battery. I'd be careful prying this one open. Just remove the pin farthest upto the right when facing the top of the battery. Again, you can resolder/pry it back on.

    How to make a magic memory stick:
    (Skip if you already have one or want to buy one)

    Follow standard installation instructions until it says for you to stop.
    Download and RUN PSP Grader, Download and Load 5.00 Official EBOOT.
    Set the Target memory stick and click Create Pandora Stick.
    Unlpug the PSP from the computer or remove the Memory Stick from a card reader and<* put the MMS in the PSP.

    How to downgrade:
    Remove the standard PSP battery and plug in an AC adapter. Don't put in the Pandora just yet. Make sure you can tell which one is a Pandora battery. Make sure the PSP is off. Get ready to insert the Pandora battery. Hold L while inserting the Pandora battery, and shut the battery cover, or firmly hold it in if it doesn't fit. A screen should pop up with a lot of choices, select something that says Install 5.00 M33 firmware or something similar. DON'T TURN OFF THE PSP, REMOVE THE BATTERY, UNPLUG THE AC, etc. When it is done, press X or it may automatically turn off. You now have 5.00M33v4 CFW. Reboot. Format your Memory stick again, and replace the Pandora Battery with the Standard Battery, or UnPandora it. Follow the standard instructions, then follow the 5.50 GEN-D3 Instructions.

    Post-Installation for CFW:
    Put all your savedata and other files back on your PSP.
    Put a GAME150 folder in the ms0:/PSP folder.
    Grab some homebrew and put it in the GAME150 or GAME folder.
    Press Select and set the GAME CPU Clock to 333/166 by press left and right, UMD ISO mode is on M33 Driver, and XMB Clock is the same.
    Create a ISO folder in the root of the memory stick. Put .ISO/.CSO gmes in there (safest place is www.pspisoz.com). Inside the ms0:/ISO folder, put a folder called VIDEO, where you can put ripped videos from disks in there.

    Install 5.XX Prometheus-4 Add-On
    Download 5.XX Prometheus Add-On
    Place the correct version for your PSP in the ms0:/PSP/GAME folder
    Run it and press X. This adds on compatibility for new ISOs but removes compatibility for some ISOs, although it's not that big of a deal if you just manually patch it.

    Basic Troubleshooting for nearly any situation:
    Restore your PSP to factory settings (aka Format Flash1)
    Set theme to original gray Sony theme
    Decrypt the ISO you are playing (if you are playing one)
    Remove any mods
    Turn off all plugins
    Reformat memory stick
    Install CFW again

    If you’re having problems getting the black screen when installing 5.50 GEN-D3, you need to reflash your PSP to 5.00 M33v6. You then should update from 5.00M33v6 to 5.50 GEN-D3. If that still doesn't work, you should update from 5.00M33v6 to 5.50 GEN-B2, then to GEN-D3. If you are STILL having trouble, go back to M33, go to GEN-A, then B, then B2, then C, THEN D, then D2, then D3. Try to make it as short as possble, if you reflash too many times, you can wear out the PSP and kill it.
    To reflash the PSP, follow all the instructions again.

    If you're having trouble with GEN-C, just turn off your PSP and try flashing it again. Turn it off through the vsh menu, or Select>SHUTDOWN.

    [NEW]HEN/CFW Directory (GOOGLE)
    I don't support using HEN or LCFW as I prefer using FULL CFW. Here's a list if you're interested.

    HBL /Signed/
    6.20 TN-D (Can be Perma-Patched to Full CFW but not reccommended)
    6.35 Pro-B2 (My personal fave)
    6.35 CFW v17 FiX 2/ 6.37 ME-2 (Can dual boot OFW and CFW, must have previous CFW/HEN to install)

    You can use ISOTool if any CFW doesn't run ISOs for you.

  2. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial]PSP-3000/Ta088v3 CFW: 5.03 GEN-A/B w/Sedna (Need 5.03 or less OFC)

    Cool.... Would help if you had pics.... And if you posted in the right section....
  3. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial]PSP-3000/Ta088v3 CFW: 5.03 GEN-A/B w/Sedna (Need 5.03 or less OFC)

    Well, then where should it go? In computers & modding?

  4. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial]PSP-3000/Ta088v3 CFW: 5.03 GEN-A/B w/Sedna (Need 5.03 or less OFC)

    We do have a Tutorial section you know....

  5. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: [Tutorial]PSP-3000/Ta088v3 CFW: 5.03 GEN-A/B w/Sedna (Need 5.03 or less OFC)

    You can't post there.
  6. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Re: PSP-3000/Ta088v3 CFW: 5.03 GEN-A/B w/Sedna (Includes PSP-2000 Downgrade ALL OFW)

    Mike,let me be the first to congratulate you on your guide.I wrote a more basic one and it took me about 30 edits and over 8 hours.

    And dont let "detracters" put you off!
  7. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: PSP-3000/Ta088v3 CFW: 5.03 GEN-A/B w/Sedna (Includes PSP-2000 Downgrade ALL OFW)

    lol thanks. I edited mine about 20 times, in 6 hours, and with a bigger guide, yay. Not a noob.
  8. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Re: PSP-3000/Ta088v3 CFW: 5.03 GEN-A/B w/Sedna (Includes PSP-2000 Downgrade ALL OFW)

    the TA-0088 v3 is really the TA-0083 v3 board that is unhackable with pandora.

    oops...i've been reading it 083 instead of 088v3!!XD

    i should slow down on reading at times!!
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: PSP-3000/Ta088v3 CFW: 5.03 GEN-A/B w/Sedna (Includes PSP-2000 Downgrade ALL OFW)

    Only a mod can move topics.

    Mike-rename your topic and add this to the start somehow


    I will get a mod to move this...

    But shorten your title, simplifiy it...

    Basically, this is simerlar to my permanent soft hack, but yours is geared towards hacking the "unhackable" psp's.

    I was planning on making one myself...this ain't bad.

    However, if you use the 3000 guide links you won't need to know what motherboard it's running as this works on all psp types.

    Also sedna from what I have heard...is unstable and may not keep your system "hacked"

    But this is preety good I will say, just clearly define what psp's this is for.

    (2000 with TA-088v3 and 3000)

    My guide is mostly getting HEN running on a 3000 and perma flasher the older psp's.

    Thanks for the credit btw :)
  10. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: PSP-3000/Ta088v3 CFW: 5.03 GEN-A/B w/Sedna (Includes PSP-2000 Downgrade ALL OFW)

  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: PSP-3000/Ta088v3 CFW: 5.03 GEN-A/B w/Sedna (Includes PSP-2000 Downgrade ALL OFW)

    Check your table.

    You got this wrong-it say's unhackable which means pandora won't work, however the one you said that doesn't work..

    Well that's a 3000 :p
  12. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: [TUTORIAL]Install CFW-PSP2000 w/Ta088v3 ALL OFC & PSP3000 5.03- OFC

    What I meant to say is you can use a Pandora with it...

    The 3000 you cannot use Pandora.

    Also, 5.03 GEN-C has been released, updating topic soon.
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: [TUTORIAL]Install CFW-PSP2000 w/Ta088v3 ALL OFC & PSP3000 5.03- OFC

    This is looking better more and more :)

    [me=hYpNoS]admits defeat[/me]

    Congratulations-Your guide pretty much beats mine-if you can get some screen shots or pics of the process you would make things easier for those who have a hard time reading masses of words-I have had to deal with a few since I made mine :(
  14. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: [TUTORIAL]Install CFW-PSP2000 w/Ta088v3 ALL OFC & PSP3000 5.03- OFC

    I got it, thankfully Ultimate Vsh menu can take screenies. I'll have some more pics up by the end of tomorrow.
  15. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: [TUTORIAL]Install CFW-PSP2000 w/Ta088v3 ALL OFC & PSP3000 5.03- OFC

    Scratch that, I can't seem to upload anything...

    Oh crap I double posted, I must kill myself and this crappy forum system for not merging posts.

    Anyways... I thought this guide would be a little more helpful.
  16. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: [TUTORIAL]Softhack PSP2000s w/TA-088v3 and 3000s (on 5.03- OFW)

    Is this gonna be moved to the tut section anytime soon? -_-
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: [TUTORIAL]Softhack PSP2000s w/TA-088v3 and 3000s (on 5.03- OFW)

    Should I ask trithRR or anandjones to move this, or just bump this...
  18. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: [TUTORIAL]Softhack PSP2000s w/TA-088v3 and 3000s (on 5.03- OFW)

    I'm PMing Tirith right now. I just don't want this to go to waste.
    Post Merge: [time]1262911506[/time]
    Thanks Tirith for moving the tut.
  19. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: [TUTORIAL]Softhack PSP2000s w/TA-088v3 and 3000s (on 5.03- OFW)

    Updated to be more explanatory, added advanced install option.
  20. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Re: PSP Hacking Guide for virtually any PSP

    EXTREMELY BIG UPDATE. Added Installers for GEN-C, removed GEN-A/B, and Sedna, added 5.50 GEN-D3 guide with installers and downgrade guide, essential plugins, eloader, vocabulary, ALL the hackable PSPs, divided installation, and more. Hoping to add a Pandora creating guide soon enough. Added.

    Updated 5.50 GEN-D3 section, added more exploit info at bottom, etc. minor updates.

    Removed useless crap. Added some more exploit stuff. Added useful information.

    Est. 6-13-10 through 6-20-10
    Added prometheus addons and minor updates.
    EDIT: Added Easy Install Pack to HBL.

    Updated Prometheus CFW 5.03 v1 to v2 and 5.50 v1 to v3.
    EDIT: minor updates

    Updated Prometheus CFW to newest versions. Removes bugs, lowers size, more compatibility. Note that it doesn't work with games already patched (aka decrypted).
    EDIT: Cleaned up the thread. Gonna fix it more later.

    I'm still alive xD.
    Cleaned the thread so much your brain will explode.