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Okay, I'm confused:

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Seigakuka, Aug 9, 2007.

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  1. Seigakuka

    Seigakuka Member

    I'v read around, and apparently many roms are working just fine for many people. For example, Pokemon Diamond. However, I'm having trouble getting any roms to run at full speed. I have the latest version of No$gba, I'm running on Unlimited MHz-Disaster 10% and EEPROM 64K, but it is running unplayably slow like every other NDS game I have tried.

    Anyone have any tips? And is there an up-to-date list of roms that run at full speed on No$gba? And why aren't they running full speed for me?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    virtually no roms can run at full speed yet; its a limitation of the emulators currently available
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    And while some people are able to run them at decent speed it's all depends on their hardware and it seems more random than Loony's ramblings.
  4. Seigakuka

    Seigakuka Member

    So why are all these people saying these roms are "fully playable"?
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Because to them fully playable means it can run from start to end. Doesn't mean it has to run nicely or even have perfect sound.
    It's really a problem that some people keep saying NDS emulation is really good because the truth is that it's still VERY imperfect. There has been some good progress but it's still more luck than rule when a game works.
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