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Okay, enough is enough

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by archlvt, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    This acekard 2i has been nothing but trouble. First the spring breaks on the first day, then the data gets corrupted every other week, save files go missing (unless I use the official firmware instead of akaio, but official has compatibility problems). It's so very easy to accidentally bump the game and freeze it. I've just had it.

    I'm using a ds lite right now, but I'm going to be buying a DSi XL in about a week. Recommend me the BEST quality flash cart with minimal risk of defect for as much as $40-50. A good, working, built-in gba emulator is a definite plus. The acekard was tolerable for awhile, because there was a lot of novelty in moving from an emulator to an actual ds cart, I was so excited that I didn't care about the bugs. Now the novelty has worn off and I want stability which the acekard does not offer.

    inb4acekardhasbeenfineforme: Don't care, that doesn't make mine run any better. Yes I've updated the firmware, yes I've formatted it each time it goes corrupt, yes I manually shut the reader off with the little taskbar icon before removing my reader. Either acekard sucks or mine is defective (it's from shoptemp, so it isn't likely fake).

    Don't worry about trying to help me with my acekard, I've been troubleshooting it for months, there's likely nothing you can tell me that I haven't already tried. I just wanted to get all of that out of the way so that I don't get replies telling me to do obvious things with my acekard to fix it, rather than getting my recommendation responses.

    Is it the supercard or whatever that's the leading DSi XL brand? I didn't delve much into the differences between them when I bought my acekard because at the time, I was broke and was pretty much forced to choose between 2 dirt cheap cards (r4 and acekard).

    I'm looking for stability, 100% compatibility, frequent updates so that I don't get blackscreens from new games, and preferably a card that currently bypasses nintendo's newest update, or will soon bypass that update before the end of the year. I'm looking for high quality, no frustration, no headaches, no bugs no glitches no freezes; if that even exists, I hope it does.

    Thanks in advance for your input <3 I hope this didn't come off snobby, I just wanted to weed out the replies that wouldn't actually help me.
  2. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    for one, look here...


    now get a supercard DS2 i'm waiting for mine to ship from here:


    i only use that site because they have the BEST return policy :p
    that will help you know if you got a fake, i got one from shoptemp before -.-"
  3. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Woah built-in snes emulator? I wonder how the compatibility is. I tried snesmulds but it was total garbage for compatibility. The only good game I could get to work was zelda ALTTP and even then it was glitchy. If this has high compatibility then it's a definite purchase for me.
  4. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

  5. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    SCDS2 is the best purchase you can make 8) best compatibility for SNES, GBA emulator in the works, awesome EOS operating system 8)
    i recommend it all the way! :p
  6. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Yeah that's a nice list, secret of mana was the biggest thing for me. And who cares if Chrono Trigger doesn't work anyway, there's a DS version hahaha.
    Post Merge: [time]1284827885[/time]
    This isn't really helping, as I'm not willing to take apart my acekard. What "window" are they talking about? Are they talking about a slightly noticable square outline on the back of the cart on the right side? Because mine does have that.
  7. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    SCDS2 drains battery though.
  8. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Ouch yeah, I just googled it and apparently it burns the battery 40% faster. I noticed my acekard 2i did that as well though. Real games last considerably longer than my acekard 2i games.

    Oh well, I don't really play while I'm out anyway. Wouldn't mind bringing my DS to work since I have 3x 30 min breaks but I'd be terrified it'd get stolen, heh.