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OHH snaps gamestop..lol (3DS)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by rell, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    Ok so heres the deal... I was walking into gamestop when this guy was trying to sell his 3DS.. They were gonna give him like 50$ since they didnt have enough money in the register.. He was gonna take it so he could buy the new Batman..so im like.." dude.. ill buy you a copy if you trade me the 3DS.. It'll save you 10$.. and he took it..Then the guy inside gamestop turned into a crabby B**CH and tried putting us both out of the store.. pretty neat story right?
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    XD, if this is real then it's pretty funny.
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    So, this really happened? Send me your friend code.
  4. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    Yea this really happened. I guess he wanted to pick it up from some other retail to get his dlc maybe? but yea the manager guy is like," IF YOUR GONNA BE MISSING UP MY SELLS THEN YOU CAN LEAVE!! GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE" and im like," -_- Really dude.. really.. Im like twice your size so think carefully before you walk any closer to me :D". Man i swear if i could have recorded that ahaha.. But yea this guy has like 100$ in stuff on here not including the ambassador program games. My friend code is, 0473-8057-1256
  5. Saiyajin Mui

    Saiyajin Mui Well-Known Member

    From a retailer point of view (as it's my line of work) I can understand where his frustration came from as you've effectively cost him (potential) profit from his store. Although the attitude he took seemed pretty unprofessional. It's true that he did make money off you in the end, but he could have made more had he purchased that 3DS and resold it with a markup, which would probably explain why he got all pissy about it.

    However, the guy you traded with and yourself are just two customers. It's not like that was gonna make or break his figures for the day. Yelling about it was pretty uncalled for.
  6. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Now see, I've been walking into gamestop many times now and I have to ask... WHY HASN'T THIS HAPPENED TO ME!?

  7. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    add your code with everyone elses, i made a sticky for 3ds friend codes, you will get allota friends,
    and you need to add your name also
    Post Merge: [time]1319918939[/time]
    sorry its here http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=54477.0
  8. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

  9. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    I did this with an XBOX back in the day. I was going in to sell my xbox the day someone was going in to buy it. I didn't like how much they offered, and the other guy didn't like the price of the used xboxs XD he saw mine was in good shape and gave me 20 bucks more than game stop would have, all was right in the world.
  10. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    lol maybe ill try that if someone does that with the red 3ds in the uk
  11. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    lol red 3ds. I am so buying a red 3ds... <.< yes I am aware I already have a black 3ds with access to the ambassedor program. But DAMNIT I want a red one soooo bad. D:
  12. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Just buy a red case... or if you want it that bad, buy a red replacement shell and switch the shells
  13. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    Uh no. I actually rather have a second 3ds than take this one apart and put a new shell on it. I like my black 3DS, but I also want a red one. I also want a blue one too, but thats just my collective nature. Used to have 4 GBAs, each one a different color. And when DS lite came out in black and white I got both.
  14. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    im planning to get ALL of the 3ds colours not beacuse im greedy but beacuse i love nintendo
  15. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    I Might eventually do this, but I am planning on getting a PS3 this week. >.>;
  16. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    That's just stupid. You can always part a fool with his money.
  17. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I corrected your statement beacuse I like to do that.
  18. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    You missed two missing comma errors, and four capitalization errors.
  19. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    She also missed the period at the end. :D