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OH NOES! Apple terminating service to jailbroken iDevices!

Discussion in 'General News' started by mikeac, Jun 26, 2010.

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  1. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    What this is trying to say is...
    Your iDevice is relieved of service when jailbroken. This has been since iTunes 9.2 and iOS 4.0. And I already got both of them... And I'm planning to jailbreak it with redsn0w also. So, in order to use a jailbroken iPhone, you have to have iTunes 9.1.X or below with iPhone OS 3.1.3 or below. Just to note that this does not affect iPhone EDGE and iPod Touch 1g users, since iOS 4 is dead and gone for those users, just don't update iTunes.

    I still think Apple does not have the right to terminate service. Jailbreaking AND unlocking is not illegal under DMCA laws unless you pirate apps.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks


    They have a right, it's their devices which you have modified their firmware to have stuff that they don't want you having.

    This include pirating apps, tethering with the iPhone, having programs that Apple doesn't like (emulators, Adobe).

    Why didn't anyone complain when Sony tries to block the PSP out of the Sony store? Granted there is a plug-in to access it, but otherwise, you can't get to it.
  3. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Jailbreaking to install Cydia or other unofficial program grabbers does not infringe any laws. It is how you use it. Jailbreaking is an act of vertical privilege escalation, it opens up the file system to be accessed by third party applications and yourself.

    "Privilege escalation is the act of exploiting a bug or design flaw in a software application to gain access to resources which normally would have been protected from an application or user. The result is that the application performs actions with more privileges than intended by the application developer or system administrator.

    Vertical privilege escalation, also known as privilege elevation, where a lower privilege user accesses functions or content reserved for higher privilege users."

    If apple cuts off the iDevice users who have jailbroken, they are practically forced to pirate apps.
    iPhone tethering doesn't really affect Apple, it affects AT&T. And tethering is now officially allowed: http://www.gadgetell.com/tech/comment/iphone-tethering-blessed-by-att-for-iphone-4/
    Can't say much about pirated apps and emulators. About ten percent of iDevice users have jailbroken and about forty percent have pirated apps. That means only four percent are breaking the law, not including emulators. With emulators and other illegal apps, I'd say around sixty percent of jailbreak users (including the app pirates) have emulators and other law breaking in general apps on their iPod.

    Jailbreakers are people who want more custom and/or free options. Just like all the members on this community who have downloaded any game or installed any custom firmware on systems like the Wii, PSP, and DS.

    Nobody cares about the Sony Store cause half of the people using the PSP pirate almost every game they get. A few people complained, so PSNLover is now out.
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I never said jailbreaking was against the law, but it's against Apple's EULA as of now, they're free to do what they want with that. They're allowed to block them out of their services if they chose to do so.

    Same thing with the iPod, this includes music and videos too. You can pirate everything on the iTunes Store.

    I also forgot that you can't access online gaming without the latest firmware or plug-in for CFW users, on the PSP.

    source plz.
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