Noooooooo 14 neon tetras died during the night and there are no bodies. I'm guessing my 5-6 inch sailfin plec ate them because i just cleaned the tank yesterday and there's no sign of algae anywhere. Do i need to buy some algae wafers or something?. Plus 8 of the neons that were eaten were just newely bought fish. Not sure if the plec was hungry overnight because there was no algae. What should i do?
aren't you two going off topic? Hope the rest will survive the night. If not i'll probably sell the fish or put it in a seperate tank.
its the way of life, when these things happen theres nothing you can do about it! you could add special blocks in your tank or mabey seperate them?
the only thing close to seperating them is the breeder box but i'm using it for the 3 guppy fry i have. If i put the plec in there ir will probably eat them.
Okay. I used to have fish. THEY HAVE NO EMOTION. Predators are predators and prey are prey. You HAVE to separate the predators from the pray and the predators from the larger predators somehow or the food chain will take place. No other way.
True but a catfish is not really a predator, it's more like a fish that cleans by eating algae and eating dead fish bodies. I'm not sure if it's picked up a habit of attaching itself to other fish and suck the slime coating, which can cause ulcers on the other fish and die. But won't the bigger fish eat the smaller fish?
Talk to your supplier about what types of fish live well together. If you don't know the behaviors of the fish, stuff like this happens. Fish eat other fish.
I know about the natures of my fish. All my fish are gentle but the guppies can pick up a habit of fin nipping but mine haven't so far and the clown loach may eat other fish when it's an adult. The only thing that will eat other fishes is my clown loach but it can't because it's a juvenile and it's pretty small. So far it's been gentle. The neons may pick up a fin nipping habit and my nip the guppies but they havn't picked it up yet.
Use a divider and divide the fishes among the tank ;D The small fishes may have been suck up through the filter as that's what happen to my fishes ;D
Can't be because the fish aren't babies only 3 of them are and there in a breeder box. By small i mean Zoomed in. Thats a neon tetra. Thats only halfway to be at full size. They're too big [even though they are pretty small alltogether] to get sucked up by the filter plus they are good and fast swimmers.