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Oh how life sucks D:

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kougerai, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    This all happened yesterday.

    My DS broke my Computer needed to be re-formated my TV blew and my gameboy is crapping out on me D:

    and my friend got me a PSP and when he was coming over to my house he tripped and it got run over by a 18Wheeler D:

    How life sucks and me being very sick doesn't help D:
  2. punchy_v

    punchy_v Member

    oh, wow o_O try the lottery?
  3. nemer

    nemer Member

    bad luck man lool
  4. -a55-

    -a55- Well-Known Member

    i smell a troll
  5. Roy mustang

    Roy mustang Well-Known Member

    Yes life does have its way on crapping on you :-\
  6. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    I just cant be on often because my computer is in for repairs.
    So I might take longer then normal to respond
    And yes life sucks royally when it is crapping on you.

    Too young D:
    And I don't have much money to spend.

    (saving for a PSP)
    Also is there anyone one in toronto that knows how to hack a PSP and would be willing to do it for me? =D
  7. ultra

    ultra Guest

    you know you gotta have "shit" in life. if you don't have any then you don't have a life. no matter how little or bit it is, it's still "shit".

    btw, shit refers to problems, dilemas and all that is bad that can happen to you or someone or etc.....
  8. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    PSP and 18 wheeler.... that sounds improbable, maybe 16 wheeler...


    That sucks, I hate my stuff being run over by cars....
  9. lilblkridinhood

    lilblkridinhood Well-Known Member

    well i got a friend who knows how to do it, so i can if you want, and you can trust me, i hate scammers
  10. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    still.. live is not live without trouble :-\
  11. rodney

    rodney Active Member

    Tell me about it, my main computer has been out of comission for over a month :(, but still had laptop :D, then daughter tripped over laptop power cable and crash, there goes the screen :'(, off to the repairers, use library computers then their server crashes :-X. Not a good week. ??? at least ds still working!!!!!
  12. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    I knew what you meant by the term "Shit"

    And yes I do have a "Shit" Life.

    Maybe a 16 wheeler, I'm not sure he didn't exactly have enough time to count the wheels.

    I would have to meet this person face to face and be there while he does it.
    Or I can get My brothers friend and my acquaintance Geddo to do it.\

    (Thats his real last name :D)

    Other then that All's Well that ends well.

    PS: Still sick :-\
  13. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Something gives me the impression that you have no idea what a troll is. Stop spamming worthless crap like this. You're not anon.
  14. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    When life gives you lemons, sell them to the market to make a couple extra bucks for a new PSP. :p
  15. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    I was on my way to EB games with $175 (I had enough with me)

    And then when I got there, I noticed that I lost my wallet D:
    I am now looking for a job to get the money back.

    (I'm out $175 and I had to walk home because my busfair and student card were in my wallet.
    Thankfully in my student card for school is attached to my backpack.)

    To who ever finds my wallet I say be nice return it =D,
    And if you don't, spend wisely.

    Well there is my minirant for today.

    On the plus side I got no school today or tomorrow.
    Today 2 doctors appointments, and tomorrow a PA day. =D

    I might as well get use to life being hell, that way it wont be such a shock when something goes wrong.
    End Edit:

    So how is everyone?
  16. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    oh damn, all of that in one day? the worst thing that happened to me was that both of my tvs were broken due to no surge protector, and my computer being gay and messing up.. but wow, i feel sorry for you
  17. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    The day I went to get the PSP is a new day.

    And if it gets any more gay at school, Im mostlikely going to drop out.

    Only if it sucks any more D'=
  18. lilblkridinhood

    lilblkridinhood Well-Known Member

    lol well not sure he wants a stranger in his house, but really you can learn it yourself, just search pandora battery, and it should teach you how to mod your PSP yourself.
  19. haha you live in toronto? me too 8)
    maybe the leafs will do better next decade :p
    anyways, I wouldn't trust me with any form of hardware, I love fucking stuff up ^_^
    lets see...I've got a zillion viruses on my laptop, lost one psp (in all fairness, the sound was broken and it had dents in several places, so it wasn't a big deal) and another stolen by a..former friend of mine (the battery didn't work, and it wasn't worth getting it back, I'm not a fighter :-\) I hit a console when it doesn't decide to work anymore...causing it to work for a small period of time before finally dying (my fat ps2 felt my wrath)...my ds mic doesn't work and my gba sp's R button never has. I love technology ::)
  20. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    Toronto sucks, Crime, people, and well everything else. D:

    Don't we all just love to destroy technology. =D

    And 2 things about the PSP does it need the Pandora battery after the the stuff is installed onto the PSP?

    If not I can get mine hacked in 12min and not need to worry =D
    If i don't get one for Xmas, I will get one for my birthday and my friend is giving me his old one until i get one of my own.

    When typing this there was 12 spelling and grammar mistakes.