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oh crap,nintendo is in trouble with sony's motion controller

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ultra, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest


    it's great news that there is so much coverage of sony's motion controller. but it's only so far on the hands of journalist or game developers. it's similarly the same situation with the natal. it hasn't been on the hands of real consumers who will be the final judges of the product and rather it'll live or die. there is all this praise for it when several years back neither sony nor microsoft adhere to the idea of motion controllers. even worse are the list of developers who are in for motion controllers when they also reject the wii's motion controller years before sony or microsofts motion controller [look at the support for sony's motion controller]. it all undermines the idea that third party do not like first party for whatever the reason.

    what is funny about the current circumstances is that the games shown for sony's move are nothing but rehash wii ideas. it's time to move forward and sony hasn't done such a thing yet. all they have done is sony-ize wii games for the ps3. is there real competition with nintendo, no. but there is that possibility and that is a good thing. this will force nintendo to move forward, which is the reason why all those hardcore nintendo wii game's people have been mentioning [metroid m, mario galaxy 2, etc....] are being released early this year. this will allow the nintendo team to develop motion control games to maintain their dominance over sony and microsoft. it's time to move away from the mini and party games along with the sports games and make some action adventure games. neither sony nor nintendo has done this [nintendo is partially, zelda wii, but sony is unknown].

    so to people like calvin, looney and others who dislike motion controllers, you need to get on board ship or you are going to sink.
  2. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    The wii will never be in trouble. The wii has mario therefore it will succeed. Plus it's the best selling console of this generation by far, and most families aren't going to buy another console that does the same thing as the wii.

    Just my opinion
  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    The thing costs like $100, there most likely won't be a ton of games for it, it will fail.
  4. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    It's just a hundred dollar accessory that just offers a different way to play games. For example, Socom 4 can be played with the Playstation Move, but it can also be played with a normal PS3 controller which people already have
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Complete and utter bollocks.
  6. poonotron

    poonotron Member

  7. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    lol, he said you're on a boat....and to get on a boat, he just lost me there :\
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    someone need to do some research on Sixaxis and Dual Shock 3.
  9. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    And capitalization XD
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    An agree opinion.

    In regards to what ultra said...yeah it is.

    My opinion is this, the wii will stay on top for now, and the sony motion controller...well it won't be as good as the wii, but if it forces publishers to pump out games that use the motion controllers PROPERLY like in no more heros, I'm all for it.

    But I certainly don't see the motion controllers dominating the market soley just yet :p
  11. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    hmm.. why should nintendo be afraid of a complete and utter ripoff?
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I doubt Natal and Move/Wand/whatever will pick up and gain a large fan base surrounding it like the Wii has. It's a hardware add on, add on peripherals usually don't pick up and gain success and continue to be successful (with the exception of the Wii Fit + Motion Plus). Look at the Xbox Live Vision Camera, the HD-DVD add-on (I know HD-DVD turned out to be a dead format but I don't think the add-on sold that well), and the Eye Toy (twice!) Along with that is the cost of the console itself and then the add on, it'll be a lot higher than buying a Wii.

    How do you know? You don't.

    Indeed, there will motion controllers and there will be ordinary controls. One will never get rid of the other. If motion controls are the only way to play games (and it definitely will NEVER happen) I'm quitting video games. Motion controls don't do it for me and so many people agree with me.

    While Sony's wand is nothing more than a glorified Wiimote with the motion plus, at least Sony's treating this as an add-on and not forced onto every game like the Wii.
  13. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    [me=Omega_2]wonders how a flashlight would do in it's place, and how Nat is alive again...[/me]
  14. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    it looks like $ony just took a Wiimote, painted it black and shoved a ball on the tip...
    great way to steal stuff and call them your own by making them look ridiculous $ony...

    Nintendo is not in trouble, as long as they have mario and link, they won't be going out of business
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I agree with this. Playing so many Wii games, usually the only control scheme they have is using the Wiimote, and the games I enjoy playing have little to no motion controls at all.

    I don't mind the motion controls so much, it's when they screw them up so bad that whatever you're trying to pull off doesn't happen.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Don't forget sony had motion control long before nintendo.

    Also, as for nintendo going out of business, its entirely possible. Right now they're pulling the exact same stunts that killed sega.
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    And no company, no matter how large or connected, is invincible. Every company has the possibility of failure.
  18. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    speaking about sega...you ever notice how average quality some of their games have been lately? They put more effort into their games for their consoles, but we aren't seeing that for the co-op with the other giants. Just a thought.
  19. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    I know its possible for a bigtime company to just disappear given the current economy, but what's with the comparison with Sega?

    What same stunts? I'm sure Sega didn't try to pull the non-gamers into their system like Nintendo is doing with the Wii, so i have no idea what you're talking about.

    If you're talking about the Wii not having great titles, then I disagree. The Wii has great titles, some of them sell good even if it was released 1-2 years ago. They didn't have the best 3rd party support, but it has always been that way. But when Nintendo makes their own games, it usually becomes a hit.
  20. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    I can sort of disagree with you there, the Wii could easily have more better titles, if they ever allowed more developers for it to actually MAKE what they'd like, rather than just make it for only kids in mind; the DS was shown with teens as the target audience, the commercials almost always had teens using the DS, and the DSi LL/XL is aimed at the same group, as most children would have a harder time holding something bigger like this, if given the chance, I'd trade up my DSi(Rick Astley Blue) for one, as it would clearly fit in my hand better than the current model, which doesn't really :\

    And that 3rd party bit, not that true when it comes to hardware, as most 3rd party gear is garbage, nyko is horrid, horrid little company now, those 'remotes' are a joke, they look like they were pulled from a megablocks box, and don't last a month from what everyone is saying.(I know you meant 3rd party games, but they fit in the same boat sometimes)