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OFLC says: Guitar Hero On Tour to rock the DS

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by anandjones, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    If there was ever any doubt that Activision would come up with a bite-sized version of the popular guitar sim, Guitar Hero, then it's time for those doubts to be dispelled. We've just found out that Australia's Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) recently rated a game called Guitar Hero On Tour. And yes folks: it's for the DS.

    It seems that earlier this week, the OFLC got their hands on the game for rating, and as everyone can see in the above picture, they recently gave the game a G rating.

    Of course, this still leaves us with some important questions. How will the sound quality be on this game? Will there be any special attachments that'll improve the game experience for fans? How will it play? Most importantly, will it actually be a good game to play? Well, we don't have the answers to any of these questions, but as more information gets revealed, rest assured that we'll deliver the news to you as soon as we can.

    From ds.qj.net Original article here http://ds.qj.net/OFLC-says-Guitar-Hero-On-Tour-to-rock-the-DS/pg/49/aid/115426
  2. john_DC

    john_DC New Member

    this is going to be great!! I still have doubts about the over all control of the game.. Sigh..T_T the only problem though is ..it is a game I actually have to "buy".. It comes with that fret attachment right?.. so there is no use in downloading it for my R4. Over all though.. this is going to be freakin great.. I can't wait.. ^_^
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    They will still dump it, regardless that you need the device to play it, hopefully you can buy it seperately or something.
  4. questXtreme

    questXtreme Active Member

    I am soooo gonna get this game.Sigh..We Still have to wait for 22 days... :-[