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Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by someirishkid, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    ;D ;D ;D
    ODST just arrived in the post, and I'm soooooooooooooooooo happy!!!
    Anyone else on RomU have it? Just thought I might as well start an ODST topic.
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    not yet but will as soon as my 360 is sorted out
  3. zalranith

    zalranith Member

    I bought ODST on Thursday, after seeing it on Wednesday, but the store closed before I could get it, so I had to wait another day. I've finished the campaign and I'm having fun messing around with Firefight, and the new maps on the second disc.
  4. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    whats ODST?
  5. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    It's the newest game in the Halo series, in which you play as an ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) a type of character that helped you in the previous games by being shot out from their spaceship in a pod.
    Here's the official trailer:
  6. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    oh, im away here

    * Yoshi gets the flowers in his mouth and runs away
  7. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Haven't you ever heard of Halo?
    It's like the best selling Xbox game ever.
  8. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

  9. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    That's fine.
    It's a first-person shooter, just so you know.
  10. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    sorry, dont like shooting...

    * puts the flowers again in mouth
    and waves
  11. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Ah I had the game. Finished it in one day and don't see any point in keeping it. Traded it off the next day for a full refund and got call of duty 4 instead. Still playing that game at the moment
  12. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Still, aside from the main story, you still have Firefight, and in 2010 (some of us will have) access to Halo Recon. I don't know what that is though, could someone please tell me?
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    We all have the ability to get Recon armour now.

    In 2010 we will get access to the Halo Reach beta, which is like a demo of the the unfinished upcoming game known as Halo: Reach.
  14. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    so you finished it in 2 days... WOW! what a good game.
  15. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Oops I meant to say Reach.
  16. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    means nothing really, most FPS can be done in that time depending on how much time you put in at a time.
    even COD 4 you can do in that time frame and that's supposedly the best fps ever made
  17. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Well, on the DS it's a disgraceful game.
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You should hope that a story mode on a shooter would last you at least 5 hours with the current trend.
    Shooter games' specialties are generally the multiplayer.
    However the firefight in ODST probably wasn't enough multiplayer content for the game.
  19. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Ya but it came with a second CD, Halo 3 multplayer. It's the Halo 3 multiplayer on a disc, with loads of extra maps. Also it works with the normal halo 3 multiplayer, it remembers what you last did.
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Because it's stored on the Bungie servers..
    And for already Halo 3 owning people it's not so good.