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Odd Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations saving glitch

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Xalfrea, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    A weird glitch suddenly has been on my trials and tribulations file. It happened in the middle of saving and it suddenly froze. The save file was deleted, but thankfully the completed cases were unaffected.

    I put my backup file back and continued playing. It was then I started to notice that whenever I saved the screen and words would flicker a bit. Saving a couple of times it was fine, but then I saved again recently and wham, it froze during saving.

    Any possible way to remedy this? Granted I do have a backup file but it'll be useless if it randomly freezes.
  2. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    You could try to format your MicroSD card.
    Make to sure BACKUP everything before Formatting.
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    First, exactly what card and firmware do you have? I just played this game in its entirety over the past few days without a single issue when it comes to saving. I use my original R4 with YSMenu at the moment. The only thing I can suggest is a format with the given info.
  4. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    I'm using AK2i with AKAIO 1.6.

    I formatted and tried again. The flickering is still there. What's odd was on my R4 it worked fine with no flickering during saving. And it was without ysmenu.
  5. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    Save file deleted again. Does this game just have a problem with AK2i? Because on my old R4 I had NO problems whatsoever.
  6. nichol

    nichol New Member

    I used to have a problem with the save screen on my R4 clone.
    When I saved, the bottom screen occasionally froze, while the top screen kept running, so I'd have to do a soft reset.

    It didn't delete my save file though.

    Why not just play it on your old R4? :3
  7. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    I threw it away that's why. With the far superior AK2i why should I bother with the R4?
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    True...ok try reverting back to an older firmware.

    Not sure which to try though...I've lost touch with updates.
  9. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    Well at any rate I've given up on this. I'll download T&T again some day but I'll try downloading the European English version. The US version was maybe faulty, so I'll try the other-side-of-the-pond version when I feel like it.